Geplaatst: ma okt 13, 2003 1:30 am
Wist ff niet waar ik dit moest vragen maareh zijn proxies wat waard?
Magic the Gathering Forums, decks, combo's, kaarten ruilen
DavidAsk Wizards October 7, 2003 schreef: Q: "I saw proxy (fake) cards on eBay... Are these legal to sell?"
--Rick Olivares, Las Cruces, NM
A: From Shelley McKinley, Wizards legal department:
"Recently, copies of Magic cards have been appearing for sale on eBay, listed as 'proxies.' Wizards of the Coast owns the copyright and trademark rights to the Magic: The Gathering game. Copying Magic cards or offering copies for sale on eBay or elsewhere infringes our rights and violates federal and state laws. We regularly check eBay and have infringing auctions removed. We also rely on tips from players alerting us to this activity. Please send any tips to"