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Berichten: 2422
Lid geworden op: wo sep 04, 2002 4:01 pm
Locatie: Nijmegen


Bericht door Dragonheart »


Ik heb wat hulp nodig bij het lezen van een aantal mogelijk essentiele documenten. Door een aantal behoorlijk vervelende beveiligingen is het voor mij niet mogelijk de betreffende teksten te lezen.

Indien mogelijk, kan iemand de betreffende teksten openen (PDF formaat) en dan in deze draad copy and pasten? Liefst een voor een.

Het gaat om de volgende bestanden: ... rm2006.pdf ... lRules.pdf

Bij voorbaat dank,
What the hell - did I - do to deserve - all of this?
Berichten: 1937
Lid geworden op: di jun 03, 2003 7:27 pm
Locatie: Zurich

Bericht door David »

(Revised 6/10/2004)
This document is intended to help players understand procedures at high-level events, such as Pro Tour and World
Championship tournaments. This document contains general information for competing at these types of events and is not
dedicated to one particular event type. Players are responsible for knowing all information contained in this document.
This document is subject to change without notice, and players should review the most recent version of this document
before competing at a high-level event. The most recent version is always available at
Rules Enforcement Level
• Every tournament uses a certain rules enforcement level (REL) to determine the severity of penalties and the amount
of leniency that judges can apply to rulings. There are five levels of rules enforcement, from the most lenient (REL 1)
to the most strict (REL 5). Most high-level tournaments are REL 5 or REL 4.
• REL 5 is the most strict level and is used for World Championship and Pro Tour events. At this REL, players should
expect to face serious penalties for infractions. All players participating at this REL are expected to know their player
responsibilities and will not be shown much leniency, even for unintentional infractions.
• REL 4 is almost as strict as REL 5, but allows for slightly more flexibility in judging calls and penalties. REL 4 is
used for National Championship and Grand Prix events.
Rules Enforcement Level Quick Reference
• REL 5: World Championship and Pro Tour events
• REL 4: Grand Prix and National Championship events
• REL 3: Pro Tour Qualifiers, Regional Championships, and Junior Super Series Championships
• REL 2: State Championships, Amateur Championships, Junior World Opens, and Grand Prix Trials
• REL 1: Junior Super Series Challenges, Prerelease tournaments, and Friday Night Magic
Swiss-Rounds Time Limits
• 60-minute rounds are used for Constructed Pro Tour, World Championship, and U.S. and Canadian Nationals events.
• 55-minutes rounds are used for Limited-format Pro Tour events.
• 50-minute rounds are used for Grand Prix events.
Single-Elimination Rounds Time Limits
• The single-elimination rounds of Pro Tour, World Championship, and 3-day National Championships are not timed.
End-of-Time Procedure
• At the end of the time limit, unfinished matches will receive a total of five extra turns. The active player’s current turn
does not count as an extra turn for that player. During these extra turns, players must still play at an acceptable speed
or they will face slow-play penalties. For the purposes of this rule, a player’s turn begins when he or she begins the
untap phase. This rule can be illustrated as follows:
Time runs out on the countdown clock.
Player A (the active player) finishes his or her current turn.
Player B takes a turn (player B’s first extra turn).
Player A takes a turn (player A’s first extra turn).
Player B takes a turn (player B’s second extra turn).
Player A takes a turn (player A’s second extra turn).
Player B takes a turn (player B’s third, and final, extra turn).
The match is complete.
Player Registration
• Players must pick up their competitor shirts, blank decklists (for Constructed events), competitor badges, and any
other appropriate materials at player registration.
• Competitors must have their names entered into the tournament software before they leave the registration area. Each
player is responsible for ensuring that his or her registration process is complete.
• Any rules questions should be asked of the rules representative at player registration before the players meeting. In
order to avoid tournament delays, no rules questions may be asked during the players meeting.
• Players must have their competitor badges to enter the tournament area.
Players Meeting
• The purpose of the players meeting is to notify players of any last-minute changes to the tournament and to verify that
all players have been entered into the tournament.
• Talking during the players meeting is not allowed, except to ask a question when acknowledged by the meeting host.
Any player violating this rule will be given an automatic game loss.
• Again, no rules questions may be asked during the players meeting.
• Players should write their names on their decklists and leave the lists on the tables at the players meeting.
• Decklists must be legibly filled out in printed block letters. Take your time and print neatly to avoid penalties.
• All card names on decklists must be written in English. Full card names must be used.
• Decklists will be collected at the players meeting before the first round of the tournament. Players must have their
decklists on the tables (folded once in half) when the players’ meeting begins. Players who do not have their decklists
ready when the players’ meeting begins will receive one game loss.
• Players who submit decklists without names or with names that are unreadable by the judge will receive a game loss.
• If a player is found to be using a deck that is different from what is listed on his or her decklist, the deck will be
modified to fit the decklist and one match loss will be given to that player.
• Common errors on decklists include: players forgetting to include their names, mistakes in the sideboard, or mistakes
in recording the number of lands used. Players should be sure that their decklists are accurate, recounting the cards
several times to ensure that all cards have been listed correctly.
Banned Cards
• All high-level Constructed tournaments follow the DCI Magic Floor Rules for deck construction, including banned
cards. The Magic Floor Rules are available at
• At high-level events, the highest level of personal responsibility is expected from the players in regard to the
tournament site.
• Players may not litter the tournament area or any other area of the site. This includes the side event area, the retail
area, food areas, and all other interior and exterior areas of the building.
• Neither food nor drink may be placed on tables in the tournament area.
• Players caught littering in areas of the building, including the actual tournament area, will receive a warning for the
first offense and an automatic game loss for the second offense.
• If a player leaves a significant amount of litter (such as a pile of food wrappers), the head judge has the option to issue
an automatic game loss on the first offense.
• With video cameras and press representatives present at all major tournaments, it’s important that all competitors and
staff do their parts to reduce the amount of garbage at events.
• If a player is not in his or her seat when a round begins, one game loss will be issued. If a player does not arrive within
ten minutes, a second game loss will be issued, and the player will automatically be dropped from the tournament.
• Each round will start quickly after the previous round ends. Players should ensure that they are on time for all rounds.
Slow Play
• All players are responsible for playing at a reasonable speed, even during untimed rounds or during the extra turns
portion of the round.
• If a player is found to be engaging in slow play (regardless of intent), he or she will receive a penalty.
• If the head judge believes that a player is intentionally stalling, that player will be disqualified from the tournament.
Shuffling and Sideboarding
• The maximum time limit for shuffling and sideboarding is three minutes.
• At the beginning of each match and in between games, players must complete all sideboarding and shuffling within
three minutes.
• After opponents have presented their decks (after they have sufficiently randomized their decks), players have up to
one minute to cut or shuffle their opponents’ decks. Note that this does not include mulligans. The decision to
mulligan must be made within thirty seconds.
• Remember that the active player (the player who is playing first in a game) completes all mulligans first.
• If a player accidentally reveals an opponent’s card while shuffling, the appropriate DCI penalty guidelines will be
followed. For the first offense, the player will receive a warning; the second offense will result in a game loss; and the
third offense will result in a match loss. The fourth offense will result in disqualification from the tournament.
Sleeves and Card Facings
• Card sleeve backs must be of one uniform color, opaque, and not overly reflective.
• Card sleeves (and card backs) are expected to be unmarked. Players should check their sleeves on a regular basis to
ensure that they have not become marked.
• It is a player’s responsibility to ensure that his or her sleeves are unmarked at all times. Players should pay careful
attention when they purchase new sleeves and should return them if they are marked.
• If sleeves are marked in a systematic and consistent manner, cheating will be declared. It is recommended that players
shuffle their decks before sleeving to help avoid consistent marking patterns.
• Lands and spells must either be oriented in the same direction or oriented in a completely random manner.
• Card sleeves may not be used in the Top 8 portion of World Championship, Pro Tour, and U.S. National events (due
to glare for the video cameras) unless specifically allowed by the Tournament Manager.
Match Reporting
• The results of each match must be recorded clearly on a result entry slip.
• Each player should verify the entry on the result entry slip before signing the slip.
• Once players have entered the match result, checked the entry, and signed the slip, they should raise their hands and
wait for a judge to retrieve the result entry slip.
• Once both players and the judge have signed a slip, the result recorded will be considered permanent unless the head
judge believes intentional fraud has occurred.
• It is very important to verify the entries on the result entry slip before signing the slip. If the head judge believes a
player is trying to defraud another player in any way (attempting to report an inaccurate result, for example), the head
judge reserves the right to assign any penalty (including disqualification from the tournament) to that player.
Using Result Entry Slips
• Players are not allowed to get up from their assigned tables until a judge has verified the match result and signed and
collected the match result slip.
• Once a match is completed, players must clearly record how many games each player won in the column beside his or
her name.
• Players then sign the slip after verifying that both scores are correct. Players may not sign a blank slip.
• Once both players have signed the result entry slip, they should raise their hands for a judge to collect the slip.
• Draws are also recorded. Unfinished games are counted as draws.
• If a judge gives a time extension (for lengthy rulings, deck checks, etc) he or she will note the extra time on the slip.
• If players wish to drop, they must do so by marking the slip with “Drop” beside their names.
• Competitors may drop only before the previous round is completed and must use the result entry slip for this purpose.
• Competitors who do not drop using the proper procedure may be paired for the next round and will receive a game
loss if they do not play.
Misrepresenting Information
• If a player misrepresents information to a judge or tournament official or tries to avoid a penalty by withholding
information, cheating will be declared.
• Players may not misrepresent public information and must always correctly state life totals, counters on permanents,
tapped status of creatures, and so on. If the head judge believes a player is misrepresenting information to another
player or tournament official, cheating penalties may be applied.
Leaving the Tournament
• If a player wishes to drop from the tournament, that player must write the word “Drop” or “Yes” on the result entry
slip beside his or her printed name. Players are advised to circle their names and circle the word “Drop” to make their
intent as clear as possible.
• Once a player has submitted a result entry slip to the judge or scorekeeper, that player may not drop for that round.
• Using the result entry slip is the only method a player may use to withdraw from the tournament.
• Be sure that you do not accidentally write in the Drop section of the result entry slip.
Leaving the Tournament Area
• As soon as a match is completed, players must complete the result entry slip and wait for the judge to sign and collect
the slip.
• Players must leave the play area immediately after their result entry slips are collected.
Conceding and Intentional Draws
• Any player may concede a match at any time.
• Players may take an intentional draw at any time.
Sporting Conduct
• Unsporting conduct is not tolerated at any DCI-sanctioned tournament.
• If a player believes his or her opponent is breaking any rules, he or she is required to notify a judge immediately.
Bringing this information to a judge’s attention in a timely manner is required so that the situation can be resolved
• If a competitor believes that a judge has issued an incorrect ruling, he or she may appeal to the head judge.
• Competitors must wait for the judge to complete his or her ruling before making an appeal.
• A competitor must clearly state the basis for making an appeal.
• If the head judge believes that a competitor is abusing the appeal system, he or she may assign a penalty for
unsporting conduct.
All trademarks are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ©2004 Wizards.
Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, Magic, Mirrodin, Darksteel, MAGIC: THE GATHERING PRO TOUR, and DCI are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ©2004 Wizards.
Berichten: 1937
Lid geworden op: di jun 03, 2003 7:27 pm
Locatie: Zurich

Bericht door David »

This Document Affects Your Legal Rights. Read It Carefully.
Magic: The Gathering® ___________________________ _____________
Event Name Date of event
Wishing to participate in the above-identified tournament on the dates identified, the Pro Tour Players’
Club and/or such other programs as described herein (collectively, the “Event”), and in consideration of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.’s (“Wizards”) agreement to allow me to participate in the Event, I agree to the
following terms and conditions.
1. I will comply with all rules, regulations, and another prize or award in its sole discretion. The
behavior standards applicable to the Event, as following limitations shall apply to any award
may be modified from time to time in Wizards’ received by me as a result of my participation in
discretion. I understand and agree that all the Event:
a. General. All awards are non-transferable,
decisions of Wizards and/or its authorized
non-negotiable, and not redeemable for an
employees, contractors and judges with respect
alternative award except in Wizards’ sole
to the Event are final.
discretion. All expenses not specified herein are
2. I am legally competent to sign this Consent my responsibility. Except as specifically stated
and Release Agreement or my parent or guardian herein, all taxes are my responsibility, and I
has also read and signed this Release. acknowledge Wizards’ recommendation that I
consult a tax advisor in my jurisdiction.
3. I agree that Wizards, its parent, subsidiaries, b. Cash award. Any cash awards will be
affiliates and related companies, sponsors/ distributed to me according to Wizards’ then-
exhibitors of the Event, Wizards assigns, and/or current standards for distribution.
c. Appearance Fee award. Any appearance
licensees may photograph me and/or record my
fee I may receive will be distributed to me
voice, and may distribute, exhibit, broadcast,
according to Wizards’ then-current standards for
exploit, advertise, publicize, promote and use my
distribution. I understand and agree that I must
name, biographical material, likeness, voice, and
attend and compete in the applicable tournament
performance in and in connection with the Event,
for which I am to receive the appearance fee, and
other Wizards-sponsored events, products
failure to do so will disqualify me from
manufactured or licensed by or on behalf of
eligibility to receive an appearance fee.
Wizards, and in connection with advertising to
d. Airfare award. An airfare award shall
promote the aforementioned events or products.
consist of one (1) roundtrip coach air ticket, on
I further agree that Wizards may edit my
an airline chosen by Wizards or its designate,
appearance therein and I waive any personal or
from the major airport nearest my home to the
proprietary rights with respect thereto. I
city in which the applicable tournament or
represent and warrant to Wizards that I have not
championship will be held. I will adhere to all
made any contract or commitment in conflict
instructions provided by Wizards to assist
with this grant, and that I will seek no further
Wizards or its designate in booking such air
consideration for any use contemplated by this
ticket. Wizards or its designate will book such
Section 3.
ticket to include the days of the applicable
4. Wizards may, in its discretion, invite me to tournament or championship. Lodging, meals,
participate in its Pro Tour Players’ Club gratuities, ground transportation, and fees caused
program. I agree to adhere to all program rules, by changes to airline reservations are my
conditions, and award requirements, as may be responsibility. Trip must be taken on dates
modified by Wizards from time to time in its designated by Wizards or award will be
sole discretion. Wizards reserves the right to forfeited. Specific travel dates and arrangements
terminate the Pro Tour Players’ Club program, or are subject to availability.
e. Hotel Room award. This benefit begins 30
my participation in such club, at any time in its
days after a player has obtained a level that
includes this benefit. Hotel room award shall
5. My participation in the Event may result in consist of one (1) single-occupancy standard
my receipt of an award by Wizards which may hotel room at a hotel chosen by Wizards or its
include, without limitation, cash or travel. designate for the dates of the applicable
Wizards reserves the right to modify any and all tournament or championship. I will adhere to all
prize or award structures associated with the instructions provided by Wizards to assist
Event, and to substitute any prize or award for Wizards or its designate in booking such hotel
All trademarks are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the USA and other countries. ©2005 Wizards.
This Document Affects Your Legal Rights. Read It Carefully.
room. Wizards or its designate will book such related to or resulting from participation in the
hotel room to include the days of the applicable Event.
tournament or championship. Booking will
7. Nothing herein contained shall obligate
include paid room and room tax only. Meals,
Wizards to exercise any of the rights granted to
gratuities, ground transportation, and fees caused
Wizards herein.
by changes to hotel reservations are my
responsibility. Room must be occupied me on
8. The terms of this agreement shall serve as a
dates designated by Wizards or award will be
release and assumption of risk for my heirs,
forfeited. Specific dates and arrangements are
executor, administrator, and all members of my
subject to availability.
family, including any minors accompanying me.
6. I agree to release, indemnify, and hold I understand this is a binding contract that
Wizards, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates and supersedes any other agreements or
related companies, any other sponsors/providers, representations, and is intended to provide a
and the directors, officers employees, agents, and comprehensive release of liability but is not
contractors of each harmless from any and all intended to assert any defenses which are
loss, injury, damage, claim, and/or action of any prohibited by law. The specific rights of the
kind in connection with the Event (including parties may vary from state to state.
without limitation, judging decisions) or any
9. This Agreement shall be constructed and
award, including, without limitation, personal
controlled by the laws of the State of
injuries, death, property damage, or claims based
Washington, USA. Any dispute under this
on publicity rights, defamation, or invasion of
Agreement shall be submitted to arbitration with
privacy, whether suffered by me or a third party,
Judicial Dispute Resolution LLC in Seattle,
however caused, and whether foreseen or
Washington USA. The arbitrator shall have
unforeseen. Wizards, its parent, subsidiaries,
authority to award reasonable attorneys fees and
affiliates and related companies, any other
costs incurred to the substantially prevailing
sponsors/providers, and the directors, officers
employees, agents, and contractors of each are
not responsible for injury or damage of any kind
I represent that I am either (check one):
_____ At least eighteen years of age and a citizen of the United States of America; OR
_____ Of legal age of majority or an emancipated minor in the country of which I am a citizen
(Country of citizenship _____________________________________ Birth date _____/_____/_____); OR
_____ The parent or legal guardian of the individual named in this Release Form, if he or she is under the
age of majority.
If I am signing on behalf of a minor, in addition to the above, I hereby consent to said minor’s participation
in the Event and also agree to RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS, and INDEMNIFY Wizards, any other
sponsors/providers, and their employees, agents, and contractors for any claims of the minor. I agree to be
responsible for any medical expenses incurred by the minor.
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
(Participant’s Printed Name) (Parent’s or Guardian’s Printed Name)
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
(Signature of Participant) (Signature of Parent or Guardian)
______________________________________ ___________________________________________
(Date) (Date)
All trademarks are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the USA and other countries. ©2005 Wizards.
Berichten: 9184
Lid geworden op: ma apr 01, 2002 11:00 am
Locatie: Amsterdam

Bericht door pi »


"litter" guidelines? Omg.


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Berichten: 2422
Lid geworden op: wo sep 04, 2002 4:01 pm
Locatie: Nijmegen

Bericht door Dragonheart »

What the hell - did I - do to deserve - all of this?
Plaats reactie