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Akroma, Angel of Wrath

Geplaatst: di jul 31, 2007 2:43 pm
door ijsbiertje

Kan ik een Akroma, Angel of Wrath uit mijn graveyard halen met een Animate dead of gaat de Animate dead er direct af omdat hij protection from black heeft?


Geplaatst: di jul 31, 2007 9:28 pm
door system_failure
valt er meteen af..Yup

Geplaatst: di jul 31, 2007 11:30 pm
door pi

was het niet zo dat een enchantment alleen checkt bij het spelen en dat ie dan best de akroma kan targetten omdat die alleen protection heeft als die in play is? Of vergis ik mij dan?



Geplaatst: wo aug 01, 2007 12:16 am
door Dragonheart
Ik geloof dat het anders werkt, maar heel precies kan ik het niet omschrijven. Indien ik een beest met een wit enchantment pro wit geef, valt het ding eraf. Zover weet ik het wel ;)

Geplaatst: wo aug 01, 2007 2:24 am
door pi

ooit kon je met enchantment alteration een enchantment op een creature gooien waar het normaal nooit op terecht kon komen, maar mogelijk is dat ondertussen verandert?



Geplaatst: wo aug 01, 2007 12:43 pm
door Luitzen
Here is how it currently works. Animate Dead resolves and comes into play. When it does, its comes-into-play ability triggers. You target Akroma with this triggered ability. When this triggered ability resolves, Akroma is put into play and Animate Dead become an Aura. It will try attach itself to Akroma, but will not, due to Akroma's protection from black ability. Then, because it is not attached to anything, this Aura will go to the graveyard, but Akroma will remain in play.

It is true that this is not how this interaction has always worked. The rules that govern what an Aura can be attached to were tweaked last summer when the Aura subtype was introduced. In the past, local enchantments could become attached to a protected permanent; now they cannot become attached at all.

Geplaatst: wo aug 01, 2007 5:27 pm
door Dragonheart
Waar heb je dat vandaan? Ben benieuwd want volgens mij klopt het niet helemaal ( dus...)

Geplaatst: wo aug 01, 2007 6:29 pm
door David
Wat klopt er volgens jou niet? Voor zover ik weet klopt het.

Geplaatst: wo aug 01, 2007 8:03 pm
door Luitzen
Dragonheart schreef:Waar heb je dat vandaan? Ben benieuwd want volgens mij klopt het niet helemaal ( dus...) indeed.

Geplaatst: wo aug 01, 2007 9:50 pm
door Dragonheart
Ik ben benieuwd wat er dan precies veranderd is. In 2003 schreef Rune Horvik dit:

Q: I am just wondering something about protection. If a creature has protection from black and is in a graveyard is it still protected from black spells? Example: My friend has an Akroma, Angel of Wrath in his graveyard and I want to animate it with Animate Dead, is that a legal move?

A: Abilities on creatures usually only work when the card is in play (unless it says otherwise), and this is also the case with protection. In the graveyard, the card has no abilities, and can be targeted with Animate Dead. However, once it comes into play, the protection kicks in, and since it's being enchanted by a black enchantment, the enchantment is put into the graveyard, and Akroma is destroyed again. A better move would be to animate it using cards such as Zombify or Stitch Together, since they don't need to enchant the creature afterwards.

Hier staat dat Akroma "gewoon" dood gaat. Deze informatie was in 2003 100% correct. staat er helaas om bekend dat er veel incorrecte antwoorden tussen staan. Vandaar...

Geplaatst: wo aug 01, 2007 10:56 pm
door David
In Gatherer staat bij Animate Dead:
10/4/2004 If the creature card put into play has Protection from Black (or anything that prevents this from legally being attached), this won’t attach to the creature. Then this will go to the graveyard as a State-Based Effect. This will not destroy the creature because it is not enchanting the creature at the time it leaves play.

Geplaatst: do aug 02, 2007 11:11 am
door ijsbiertje
Hmz, dus de animate dead gaat van de akroma af wanneer akroma reeds in het spel is. Animate dead gaat naar de graveyard en Akroma blijft liggen?

Ik heb het volgende nog gevonden:

>>>On Aug 29, 2006, at 5:39 PM, Leif Whittaker wrote:

>>We need your help once again!

>>We're in the midst of a major war over whether or not
>>based on the rules of Auras you can get an Akroma into
>>play and keep it there with Animate Dead. I vote you
>>can't, and am therefore on side B, but I can't
>>sufficiently explain why, and recently a judge ruled
>>at a tournament that you, in fact, can.

The judge is correct.

>>Side A, and the judge, argue this:
>>-Animate Dead comes into play.
>>-Animate Dead's trigger goes on to the stack,
>>targeting Akroma, Angel of Wrath in the graveyard.
>>-Animate Dead's trigger resolves. Akroma, Angel of
>>Wrath comes into play, but Animate Dead can't attach
>>to it. Therefore the end result is Animate Dead is in
>>play as an enchantment and Akroma, Angel of Wrath is
>>in play, alive, as a 6/6.

This is correct.

>>Side B is arguing this:
>>-Animate Dead comes into play.
>>-Animate Dead's trigger goes on to the stack,
>>targeting Akroma, Angel of Wrath in the graveyard.
>>-Animate Dead's trigger resolves. Akroma, Angel of
>>Wrath, comes into play with Animate Dead attached to
>>State-based effects are checked, causing Animate
>>Dead to fall off of Akroma, which causes Animate
>>Dead's leaves play trigger to destroy it.

this last step does not happen. Akroma has protection from black and can not have a black enchantment attached to her at all.

Geplaatst: do aug 02, 2007 8:45 pm
door David
ijsbiertje schreef:Hmz, dus de animate dead gaat van de akroma af ...
De Animate Dead gaat niet van de Akroma af omdat hij er nooit op gaat.