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2 December 2007: The Dutch Vintage Tournament

Geplaatst: wo nov 07, 2007 8:54 am
door Zieby
The Dutch Vintage Tournament
Breda, The Netherlands

Sunday, December 2nd, 2007

Gemeenschapshuis De Belcrum
Pastoor Pottersplein 12
4815 BC Breda
The Netherlands

Contact:.............Arjan Bos

Time:..................Registration is from 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM. Tournament begins at 11:00 AM promptly.

Entry Fee:..........€ 10,–......Cash only!!!

Prizes support is sponsored by Rudi’s Magic Backpack:

1st........-........MOX JET
2nd.......- .......Beta Fastbond (Signed)
3rd........-........Foil Dark Confidant
4th........-........Foil Vampiric Tutor
5th / 8th.-........To be determined

This prize payout is GUARANTEED by Rudi’s Magic Backpack and Arjan Bos regardless of attendance!
Prizes will increase based on attendance.

Tournament Format:
Non-sanctioned Vintage, modified Swiss with single-elimination top 8. Up to Twelve Proxies are allowed.
Although this event is unsanctioned, it will be run at a Competitive rules enforcement level and deck lists are required.

Proxy Rules:
There are two types of acceptable proxies for use in the Dutch Vintage Tournaments. The first and most basic is taking a basic land card and writing the details of the card on it. The second method is to take a card that shares some of the characteristics with the card that is being proxied and erase any characteristics that do not match, replacing them with the correct characteristics.

All proxies must have the following text neatly printed, using a extra fine point sharpie. Ball point pens may not be used:
• The full name of the card (no abbreviations or nicknames)
• Correct casting cost of the card including all colored mana symbols
• All relevant/game effecting text

When choosing what card to use as the base for an erased proxy players must follow these rules:
• The mana cost of the base spell must be the same as the card being proxied.
• The type of the card being proxied must be the same as the base card.
• The P/T of a creature being proxied must be the same as the base creature P/T
• The art box, card name, and text box must be totally erased. White out (Type-Ex) may not be used for this as it affects the stiffness of the card and may mark it.
• When adding text to the card do not use a ball point pen. A extra fine point sharpie is the best thing to use. A ball point pen can cause indentations on the card marking it.
• For clarity reasons, the use of cards with the new card frame is strongly encouraged

How to Erase a Card:
Acetone and a cotton ball or q-tip works well, as does a pencil/ink eraser (the white/grey split type) using the grey side. Before erasing the card, take masking tape and tape off all the areas that you don't want erased for a clean edge. It will take time, but it will come off.

Geplaatst: do nov 08, 2007 11:38 am
door pi

misschien een gekke vraag, maar waarom engelse tekst voor de nederlandse vintage kampioenschappen?

