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Geplaatst: zo jan 03, 2010 5:28 pm
door Fewtger
Misschien een vreemde vraag, maar is het mogelijk om jezelf aan te vallen?
Bv. met de ultimate van Sorin Markov.

Geplaatst: zo jan 03, 2010 5:45 pm
door altx
Het korte antwoord: Nee, je kunt niet jezelf aanvallen.


Het lange antwoord:

Uit de regels:
506.2 - During the combat phase, the active player is the attacking player; creatures that player controls may attack. During the combat phase of a two-player game, the nonactive player is the defending player; that player and planeswalkers he or she controls may be attacked.
En uit de rulings van Sorin Markov:
The player whose turn is being controlled is still the active player.

Dus samengevat: De speler die aan de beurt is of wiens beurt controlled wordt, is de actieve speler en dus de aanvallende speler. De speler die niet aan de beurt is of wiens beurt niet controlled wordt, is de inactieve speler en dus de verdedigende speler. Aangezien je niet actief en inactief tegelijk kunt zijn, is dus de conclusie dat je niet tegelijk de aanvallende en de verdedigende speler kunt zijn. En dat je dus niet jezelf kunt aanvallen.

Geplaatst: zo jan 03, 2010 9:46 pm
door Saint
En daarnaast waarom zou je sorins ultimate willen gebruiken op jezelf...
+2: Sorin Markov deals 2 damage to target creature or player and you gain 2 life.
-3: Target opponent's life total becomes 10.
-7: You control target player's next turn.
Je controlled toch je eigen beurt al? dus dat heeft totaal geen functie. Je speelt hem meer om je opponent zijn beurt te verkloten of om andere redenen het ligt aan de situatie.
Maar dat is mijn idee, kan het verkeerd hebben.

Ruling van Sorins derde ability (heel verhaal :P)
10/1/2009 Sorin's third ability allows you to control another player's turn. This effect applies to the next turn that the affected player actually takes. The entire turn is controlled; the effect doesn't end until the beginning of the next turn.
10/1/2009 While controlling another player's turn, you can see all cards that player can see. This includes cards in that player's hand, face-down cards that player controls, and any cards in that player's library that an effect lets him or her look at.
10/1/2009 The player whose turn is being controlled is still the active player.
10/1/2009 While controlling another player's turn, you also continue to make your own choices and decisions.
10/1/2009 While controlling another player's turn, you make all choices and decisions that player is allowed to make or is told to make during that turn. For example: -- You choose which lands the other player plays. -- You choose which spells the other player casts, and make all decisions as those spells are cast and as they resolve. For example, you choose the value of X for that player's Earthquake, the target for that player's Lightning Bolt, what mana that player spends to cast Day of Judgment, and what card that player gets with Diabolic Tutor. -- You choose which activated abilities the other player activates, and make all decisions as those abilities are activated and as they resolve. For example, you can have your opponent sacrifice his or her creatures to his or her Vampire Aristocrat or have your opponent's Caller of Gales give one of your creatures flying. -- You make all decisions for the other player's triggered abilities, including what they target and any decisions made when they resolve. -- You choose which creatures controlled by the other player attack, who or what they attack, and how they assign their combat damage. -- You make any choices and decisions that player would make for any other reason. For example, you could cast Fact or Fiction, choose that player to divide the revealed cards into piles, and thus divide those cards into piles yourself.
10/1/2009 You can't make the affected player concede. That player may choose to concede at any time, even while you're controlling his or her turn.
10/1/2009 You can't make any illegal decisions or illegal choices -- you can't do anything that player couldn't do. You can't make choices or decisions for that player that aren't called for by the game rules or by any cards, permanents, spells, abilities, and so on. If an effect causes another player to make decisions that the affected player would normally make (such as Master Warcraft does), that effect takes precedence. (In other words, if the affected player wouldn't make a decision, you wouldn't make that decision on his or her behalf.) You also can't make any choices or decisions for the player that would be called for by the tournament rules (such as whether to take an intentional draw or whether to call a judge).
10/1/2009 You can use only the affected player's resources (cards, mana, and so on) to pay costs for that player; you can't use your own. Similarly, you can use the affected player's resources only to pay that player's costs; you can't spend them on your costs.
10/1/2009 Only the control of the turn changes. You don't control any of the other player's permanents, spells, or abilities.
10/1/2009 Controlling a player's turn won't let you look at that player's sideboard under any circumstances. During a tournament, if you have that player cast a card such as Glittering Wish that lets that player choose a card with certain characteristics from outside the game, no card can be chosen.
10/1/2009 If the player affected by Sorin's third ability skips his or her next turn, the ability will wait. You'll control the next turn the affected player actually takes.
10/1/2009 Multiple turn-controlling effects that affect the same player overwrite each other. The last one to be created is the one that works.
10/1/2009 In a Two-Headed Giant game, Sorin's third ability causes you to control the affected player's team's turn.
10/1/2009 You could gain control of your own turn using Sorin's third ability, but unless you do so to overwrite someone else's turn-controlling effect, this doesn't do anything.

Geplaatst: zo jan 03, 2010 10:43 pm
door altx
Dat bedoelde hij niet. Hij bedoelde dat je zijn beurt zou kunnen verkloten als je hem zichzelf laat aanvallen.

Alleen mag dat dus niet.

Geplaatst: zo jan 03, 2010 11:38 pm
door Fewtger
Inderdaad, sorry als ik niet duidelijk was. Ik bedoelde, dat ik zijn creatures hemzelf zou laten aanvallen.

Maar dat mag dus niet.

Geplaatst: ma jan 04, 2010 8:09 am
door Saint
Oooh op die fiets, dat haalde ik er niet uit, nou ja nee dan mag je niet jezelf aanvallen nee :P je mag wel sacrifice abilities gebruiken lijkt mij als hij die toevallig heeft.

Geplaatst: ma jan 04, 2010 12:38 pm
door The Quizmaster
En je kan natuurlijk dusdanig aanvallen, dat jij de meeste beesten dood kan blocken..

Geplaatst: ma jan 04, 2010 2:16 pm
door wizardofoss
Ook een aardige truc kan zijn om je tegenstander met zijn hele legertje Sorin zelf te laten aanvallen. Sorin sneuvelt, maar jij krijgt geen schade, en kunt vervolgens met jouw troepen toeslaan.
Vereiste is natuurlijk wel dat Sorin meer dan de benodigde 8 loyalty counters had, anders is ie al weg.

Geplaatst: ma jan 04, 2010 4:34 pm
door Saint
Ja kun je ook doen maar alleen als je genoeg schade kunt doen om er een eind aan te maken voor hem of zelf nog genoeg levens hebben om de klap daarna op te vangen.

Wat ook leuk is is Attrition of Aura Fracture dan bijv. Gauntlets of Chaos (ik bedoel deze kaart niet maar ik kan niet vinden wat ik wel bedoel, ik weet bijna zeker dat er zo'n kaart is die precies dat doet, de bedoeling is dat je dus één van jou kaarten op de battlefield aan je opponent plaatst, of te wel hem één van jouw kaarten geeft in battle), sorins ability spelen en dan al zijn creatures of lands saccen en met het effect van de sacrifice niets doen :)