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Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: vr aug 26, 2011 10:08 pm
door metal.days
Hello everyone,
Im sorry this is in English, but I just arrived in Amsterdam yesterday and I visited 2 shops I found via the store-locator.
One didn't even exist and the other wasn't really a hobby my question is where in Amsterdam is there a decent hobby store, where I could buy MTG but also meet people ?
Im asking because I used to play 7 years ago, wanna get back to it and mainly meet the local community :)
If there is someone here who'd also like to grab a beer afterwards even bette - i dont know anyone here.

Looking forward to meeting you ;-)

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: vr aug 26, 2011 11:00 pm
door Donnie Darko
Welcome on the forum!
I'm not sure where you can get MTG in Amsterdam, Pi (administrator of the board) will know.

I'm not from Amsterdam, I live near Utrecht, but would have spare time in the next week to meet up if you would want to, but then it'd have to be in Utrecht or Driebergen... I know a good shop in Utrecht where they also got room to play.
Where are you from, and how long will you stay in our tiny country?

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: vr aug 26, 2011 11:58 pm
door metal.days
Ill be staying for the whole year so that's why I'm checking out the local community. And I wouldn't have a problem visiting Ultrecht, I'd actually very much enjoy seeing another part of the netherlands.
Btw I'm planning on picking up the vampire event deck, it got good reviews and its easy to start from there, right ? Oh and last thing, does your local store in Ultrecht host FNM ? :)
Thanks !

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: za aug 27, 2011 2:43 am
door pi
Welcome! We play on sundays in a coffeeshop, you'd be welcome to come check it out. We play EDH almost exclusively, but would be happy to lend you a deck. If you would want to play that format in the future the precons for it are pretty decent.

As far as shops are concerned, the gamekeeper is your best bet.

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: za aug 27, 2011 9:08 am
door metal.days
Hi Pi,
The edh is the commander, right ? -ll go to the gamekeeper now to buy the preconstructed deck so I can join you guys tommorow. :)

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: za aug 27, 2011 10:30 am
door pi
Indeed, EDH == commander. We tend to use the older name.

I have all 5 of them ready to go. I figured they'd be nice decks to lend out if somebody shows without a deck. I'd be happy to let you try the different ones. They are a bit underpowered within my group, but it's not a blowout. In fact so far I've managed to win all but one game I played with them (though I figure in part that could be because they are incorrectly perceived as weak and I may have gotten a little lucky). That's out of 6 games, so a pretty decent score, regular decks were in most of those games as well.

We play in coffeeshop Picasso, located at Haarlemmerstraat 8, pretty close to the central station*. I generally try to be there around 13:00, often I'm first to show up. I assume you are legally old enough to be there and stuff. Doing drugs is optional, I don't go for it myself, but some of our other regulars do. We generally speak English anyway, because of a Canadian player whose mastery of Dutch is somewhat less than perfect. We cover a pretty broad age range, the youngest being about 25 and the oldest about 40. We are playing rather casually, preferring long games over quick ones and like to joke around a bit. Let me know if there's something else you would like to know beforehand.

I have added you on Gtalk.


EDIT 29-11-2012:
We no longer play EDH at the Picasso, however we do play at a different coffeeshop now that's about 50 meters away from it. If you'd be interested in joining us just respond to this topic.

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: za aug 27, 2011 4:04 pm
door metal.days
Allright so I got the political puppets deck ready and sleeved for tommorow, hope its a good one :). Do u think we could meet a bit before 13:00 as u proposed and somewhere easier to find as I'm new here and I get lost every time I walk out :P btw my dutch phone is 0641662521

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: za aug 27, 2011 5:31 pm
door pi
It's decent, but has a very specific play style that does not suit everyone. It was fun when I played it though. It's probably the best deal value wise.

Contact me on Gtalk, we can discuss there. I do have some other things to do tomorrow before I go there, but I can probably manage. On the other hand this really is quite easy to find. If you know the Kalverstraat and the extenson of it, the Nieuwendijk, just follow that street onward (in the direction away from the Kalverstraat) untill the road turns to the left (there's a MacDonalds there), keep on going on the main road untill you cross rails. Continue in the next street and pretty much keep on going in that direction until you see it on your right (you have to cross some more streets). I'm sure google maps can help you. However if you like I can probably meet you somewhere you know.

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: za aug 27, 2011 5:51 pm
door metal.days
Yeah I checked it out and how to play my deck, I'm really excited to try it out :) hopefully ill meet some magic players who prefer the standart format who can guide me from there.

Anyways, the thing is my notebook broke as I came here, so no google maps nor internet, I'm using my phone right now, that's why, as I said, I often get lost outside. And thatd the reason why I'm a bit concerned about finding a particular spot :/. I live at kinkerstraat currently but we could meet like somewhere near central station ?

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: za aug 27, 2011 6:00 pm
door pi
None of my group are tournament players, so no interest in standard I'm afraid, I play Legacy once in a blue moon and that's about it. I would ask at the gamekeeper.

Let's meet at the Central Station stop for tram 5 at 12:45. I'll PM you my phone number and other details.

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: ma aug 29, 2011 9:52 am
door ixo
Hi Metal, the store in Utrecht does host FNM's, before i actually left Utrecht it hosted the FNM's on thursdays, i do not know if they still do that on thursdays. the name of the shop is The Joker.

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: wo nov 28, 2012 9:10 pm
door Melchette
Hi all,

Me and a few mates are heading out to Amsterdam for a few days on Monday (3rd).

2 of us play and I'll be showing another how to play.

Was wondering if anyone fancied meeting up and having a few games?


Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: wo nov 28, 2012 9:12 pm
door Donnie Darko
I might, I have no other plans on monday (yet).
So do you have any plans concerning the location and time?

Also, what game type do you play? Like edh/Commander or draft or with type 2 and such? Because I'm not that big on the type numbers.

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: wo nov 28, 2012 9:19 pm
door Melchette
Well we're over from Monday to Friday and we're staying 5mins from Centraal (if even), so time isn't really too much of an option as long as we can still catch the football.

From reading above here, will probably make our way round to Picasso if you all still play there.

Re: Where to play in Amsterdam ?

Geplaatst: wo nov 28, 2012 9:28 pm
door Donnie Darko
Thing is, I have never been to Picasso, and Pi, goes there regularly but I assume that's only on Sundays. But he might answer to this post to say so for himself.

I can find the place if you want to go there. So which match(es) are you planning to visit?