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Grand Prix Lille

Geplaatst: di feb 28, 2012 11:57 am
door ixo
So the Grand Prix of Lille is coming up this weekend and I'm planning in going.

for information you can look it up here ... ix/lille12 or just look it up on google. a great number of people will be attracted to this event as it will be one of the few actual standard tourneys in Europe, not to mention close to the Netherlands :D.

I'm going to the Gp with a group of people I usually play with/against on tournaments and FNM's, a bunch of crazy, cheerful but certainly good people. These guys will be my cheerleaders and I will be theirs.

Tomorrow evening after many Brainstorming, testing cards and playtesting the 2 decks this last 2 weeks, I will make a choice which of the 2 will be my choice of weapon on the GP. And still I feel they lack something and hope I will be able to improve them with the needed tweakage before going. My choice is between the Mono Black Infect and my UB control, both are consistent in their goal and do very well in the rounds. The MBI ( Mono-Black-Infect ) has won me a great deal of first places and second places on the FNM's and even on the tournaments i've visited in Finland and Estonia i ended in the top 6-16. The UB control has a great end game but usually in the current meta thats already to late, what it needs is the ability to control the early game fast, which is very difficult already for control to do. although i do not have major problems with red, the white decks ( tokens, humans ) are a bane to the deck, not to mention wolfrun as it just kills you without you doing much about it. I like the UB and feel like its needed to put on its feet again, ive seen certain deck lists of the various tournaments that have been in the recent past and they look very promising. their were at least 2 UB controls ( without Tezz) at the PT in Honolulu and shown me that my previous lists with the Bloodline Keeper is just an awesome card to have Maindeck (doesn;t need much explaining why). Other then that, I find Liliana of the veil a good addition if you can use her first ability to your own benefit. UB has many flashback abilities and the use of Snapcaster mage so it isnt a bad thing to discard a few spells, even if it was to filter your hand of dead cards. In addition to that I am thinking of adding red to the pool, which will take me out of the UB control part though but can add a great help in controlling the aggro decks that are in the meta atm, slagstorm, Faithless looting and other instant damage spells are a good use ( not to forget to mention Devil's Play), in particular looting can be ace, as it filters your hand and gets 2 new possible answers + it is possible to discard it without losing much of its value, and frankly I find it in a better positon for the current meta then Think twice as it is just faster and gives more value.

Adding red will most likely needs a whole new deck which you will use it around many cards, and possibly even koth with solems for fetching the lone mountains. This will most likely not be viable and i'm trying to leave it out due to time.

So options to consider are: Praetor's grasp, Liliana of the veil, Blue cards ( milling, zombies ), Surgical extraction, his bigger brother Memoricide and Black sun's zenith. These cards are in all of its own very good and in other cases just situational or value cards. the choice between extraction and memoricide is probably clear but still might be worth evaluating. praetor's grasp is just a card I really love, it gives you so much value while hiding that from many eyes. it serves in its worse a removal that needs to be considered before hand on its best it gives you another Snapcaster or win card that you will use against theirselves.

Last night I tested againsed a certainly nice deck built around Havengul lich, heartless summoning and Perilous Myr. although it might not be seen as a real heavy weight in the meta it certainly does nasty things as soon as the lich is on the field with the heartless summoning, as the Phantasmal image and the Phyrexian metamorphcopy the myrs or lich's but he will also use your snaps, and other tasty creatures from your graveyard.

usually when not dealt with properly your having seriously problems in round 4, 5 in which you will usually not get out as you will be most likely getting 8 to 12 damage a turn. its very consistent and should be taken in account, at least thats what i think and most likely you won;t see them other then on FNM's.

My choice atm is my UB control, but i might be swayed to either built entirely a new deck or because of time just go for the MBI and try to improve him.

Any suggestions? or are their others that are taking up the backpack and travel to Lille?



Re: Grand Prix Lille

Geplaatst: di feb 28, 2012 4:43 pm
door pi
Uhm, is dit een evenement of een decklist?

Re: Grand Prix Lille

Geplaatst: di feb 28, 2012 8:02 pm
door ixo
evenement, heb geen lijst gepost.

Re: Grand Prix Lille

Geplaatst: di feb 28, 2012 9:15 pm
door The Quizmaster
Met wie ga je?

Re: Grand Prix Lille

Geplaatst: wo feb 29, 2012 10:00 am
door pi
Maar je beschrijft een deck en deckkeuzes en niet het evenement?

Re: Grand Prix Lille

Geplaatst: do mar 01, 2012 2:03 pm
door ixo
pi schreef:Maar je beschrijft een deck en deckkeuzes en niet het evenement?
Event valt weinig over te vertellen als men het artikel eigenlijk kan lezen.

@quiz, Robert, Roald, Patrick, en zijn meiske plus guido.