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Geplaatst: do jun 13, 2002 11:27 pm
door maureen.janssen
Beste allemaal,
Allereerst de beste wensen voor 2004. Eén van mijn voornemens is om bijna alles wat ik aan Magic heb liggen te verkopen. Hieronder volgen de rares die ik verkopen wil. Ik heb ook nog zo'n 10.000 uncommons. Voor een duidelijk overzicht kun je me een mailtje sturen, dan stuur ik alles in Excel toe.
B Abyssal Horror* 7th 1
B Abyssal Horror* US 4
B Aku Djinn* VI 1
B Andradite Leech* IN 6
B Apprentice Necromancer* UD 5
B Ashen Powder* MI 1
B Attrition UD 2
B Bad Moon 5th 2
B Bellowing Fiend* TP 4
B Black Carriage* HL 1
B Black Market* MM 6
B Bloodcurdler* OD 12
B Body Snatcher* UD 2
B Bog Elemental* PR 7
B Braids, Cabal Minion OD 2
B Brink of Madness* UL 8
B Broken Visage* 5th 1
B Cabal Conditioning* SC 1
B Cabal Patriarch* OD 5
B Cabal Shrine* OD 4
B Carnival of Souls* UD 6
B Carrionette* TP 1
B Catacomb Dragon MI 2
B Cateran Overlord MM 2
B Cateran Slaver MM 1
B Chainer, Dementia Master TO 1
B Conspiracy* MM 1
B Contamination US 3
B Corpse Dance TP 2
B Corrupt Official* MM 3
B Cosmic Horror* 4th 1
B Crovax the Cursed* SH 3
B Cursed Monstrosity* OD 3
B Dark Hatchling* US 3
B Dark Suspicions* PS 1
B Darkpact REV 1
B Dawn of the Dead* TO 6
B Death Match* ON 4
B Death Pit Offering NE 2
B Death Pits of Rath TP 2
B Deathlace* 4th 1
B Deathlace* REV 1
B Decaying Soil* OD 12
B Delraich MM 3
B Demonic Attorney REV* 1
B Derelor* 5th 2
B Derelor* FE 3
B Desperate Research* IN 10
B Diabolic Intent* PS 1
B Discordant Dirge* US 4
B Divining Witch* NE 7
B Dread Wight* IA 3
B Dregs of Sorrow* TP 1
B Drinker of Sorrow LE 2
B Dystopia* AL 1
B Ebonblade Reaper* ON 3
B El-Hajjaj* REV 1
B El-Hajjaj* 4th 1
B El-Hajjaj* REV 1
B Entropic Specter* EX 2
B Eviscerator* UL 6
B Fallen Angel* BD 1
B Fatal Lore* AL 2
B Fevered Convulsion* TP 2
B Final Punishment SC 1
B Flow of Maggots* IA 4
B Forbidden Crypt* MI 1
B Forbidden Ritual* VI 3
B Forced March MM 5
B Gangrenous Goliath* ON 2
B Ghastly Remains* LE 1
B Grandmother Sengir* HL 1
B Graveborn Muse LE 1
B Gravebind* IA 1
B Gravespawn Sovereign ON 1
B Gravestorm OD 1
B Greed* 7th 1
B Greel, Mind Raker* PR 5
B Grinning Demon ON 2
B Guiltfeeder JU 2
B Harbinger of Night* MI 2
B Hatred EX 2
B Head Games* ON 1
B Hecatomb 5th 1
B Hecatomb 6th 2
B Hell's Caretaker CHR 1
B Hint of Insanity* OD
B Hypnox TO 1
B Ichorid TO 2
B Ill-Gotten Gains* US 1
B Infernal Contract* 7th 2
B Infernal Darkness* IA 4
B Infernal Denizen* IA 4
B Infernal Genesis* PR 6
B Infernal Spawn of Evil UNG 1
B Infernal Tribute* WE 1
B Insidious Dreams* TO 11
B Instigator* MM 5
B Kaervek's Spite* VI 1
B Keeper of Tresserhorn* AL 3
B Kezzerdrix* TP 1
B Krovikan Horror AL 1
B Last Laugh* TO 2
B Liability* MM 6
B Lord of the Pit 4th 1
B Lurking Skirge* UL 4
B Maddening Imp* TP 2
B Marauding Knight* IN 1
B Masked Gorgon* JU 5
B Midnight Ritual* MM 7
B Mind Whip* IA 1
B Mindslicer OD 2
B Mindwarper* SH 3
B Minion of Leshrac* IA 2
B Minion of the Wastes* TP 3
B Minion of Tevesh Scat* IA 2
B Morality Shift* JU 9
B Morinfen* WE 2
B Mortal Combat* TO 5
B Mortivore OD 1
B Mortuary* SH 3
B Murderous Betrayal* NE 10
B Necravolver AP 1
B Necrosavant* VI 5
B Nefarious Lich* OD 3
B Nether Shadow* 4th 2
B Nether Spirit MM 2
B Nightmare 4th 1
B Nightmare 5th 4
B Nightmare 7th 1
B Notorious Assassin MM 5
B Oath of Lim-Dul* IA 1
B Oppression* US 9
B Ow* UNG 1
B Parallax Nexus* NE 4
B Phage the Untouchable LE 3
B Phyrexian Arena AP 1
B Phyrexian Delver* IN 5
B Phyrexian Infiltrator* IN 5
B Phyrexian Plaguelord UL 4
B Phyrexian Tribute* MI 4
B Plaguebearer* EX 4
B Planar Despair* AP 10
B Planeswalker's Scorn* PS 2
B Rag Man* 4th 2
B Rag Man* 5th 1
B Rag Man* 7th 1
B Rapid Decay* UD 6
B Rathi Assassin NE 3
B Rebel Informer* PR 3
B Repentant Vampire OD 3
B Reprocess* 7th 2
B Reprocess* US 1
B Revenant* SH 4
B Rhystic Tutor PR 7
B Sarcomancy TP 1
B Sengir Vampire (U) 4h 1
B Sengir Vampire (U) 5th 1
B Sengir Vampire (U) REV 8
B Sengir Vampire TO 2
B Shallow Grave* MI 1
B Shambling Swarm TO 1
B Shauku, Endbringer* MI 2
B Silent Assassin* MM 4
B Silent Specter ON 1
B Skeleton Scavengers* SH 5
B Sleeper Agent* US 4
B Sorceress Queen 5th 2
B Sorceress Queen REV 1
B Soul Collector SC 2
B Spoils of Evil* IA 3
B Spoils of War* IA 3
B Stalking Bloodsucker* OD 3
B Strongald Cabal* 6th 2
B Stromgald Cabal* IA 4
B Strongarm Tactics* ON 2
B Stronghold Assassin SH 1
B Subversion* UL 4
B Sutured Ghoul JU 6
B Tainted Aether* US 2
B Tainted Pact OD 1
B Tainted Specter* MI 3
B The Wretched* 5th 2
B Thrashing Wumpus MM 9
B Tombfire* OD 1
B Tombstone Stairwell* MI 3
B Traveling Plague* OD 3
B Tsabo's Assassin* IN 2
B Tsabo's Decree IN 2
B Twilight's Call IN 4
B Undead Gladiator ON 6
B Underworld Dreams (U) (It) LG 1
B Unnatural Hunger* MM 3
B Urborg Justice* WE 1
B Urborg Stalker* WE 2
B Vebulid* US 4
B Volrath the Fallen NE 1
B Volrath's Dungeon* EX 8
B Warp Artifact* 4th 3
B Warp Artifact* 4th 96 1
B Warp Artifact* 5th 2
B Warped Devotion* 8th 1
B Wave of Terror* WE 4
B Western Paladin US 4
B Witch Engine* US 3
B Words of Waste ON 1
B Xenic Poltergeist* 5th 2
B Yawgmoth Demon* CHR 3
B Yawgmoth's Agenda IN 3
B Yawgmoth's Bargain UD 1
B Zombie Master 4th 2
B Zombie Master 5th 2
G Aboroth* WE 2
G Abundance US 1
G Ambush Commander SC 1
G Anavolver AP 5
G Ancient Silverback UD 5
G Animal Magnetism* ON 1
G An-Havva Constable* 5th 2
G Argothian Wurm US 3
G Awakening* SH 3
G Bifurcate* MM 3
G Birs of Paradise 5th 1
G Blizzard* IA 1
G Brood Sliver LE 1
G Brushwagg* MI 4
G Burgeoning* SH 3
G Call of the Wild* 6th 4
G Caller of the Hunt* MM 2
G Carnassid* SH 4
G Citanul Hierophants US 4
G City of Solitude VI 1
G Clear the Land* MM 5
G Chlorophant OD 1
G Collective Unconscious MM 1
G Crazed Armodon* TP 2
G Crush of Wurms JU 3
G Cycle of Life MI 1
G Dawnstrider MM 5
G Decree of Savagery SC 1
G Deepwood Elder* MM 5
G Dual Nature* PR 2
G Early Harvest* 7th 1
G Early Harvest* MI 2
G Earthcraft TP 3
G Elephant Resurgence* PR 4
G Elven Warhounds* TP 1
G Elvish Vanguard ON 1
G Emperor Crocodile 8th 1
G Emperor Crocodile UD 3
G Endless Wurm US 2
G Erithizon* MM 9
G Erhnam Djinn CHR 1
G Erhnam Djinn JU 1
G Food Chain* MM 7
G Force of Nature REV 1
G Forgotten Harvest* PR 2
G Foster* MM 7
G Freyalise's Winds* IA 2
G Fugitive Druid* TP 4
G Fungusaur* 4th 1
G Gaea's Herald* 8th 2
G Gaea's Herald PS 6
G Gaea's Liege* 4th 3
G Game Preserve* MM 10
G Gargantuan Gorilla* AL 1
G Genesis JU 2
G Greater Good* US 1
G Gurzigost TO 1
G Heartwood Giant* TP 3
G Hermit Druid* SH 1
G Hidden Gibbons* UL 2
G Hidden Herd* US 5
G Hidden Predators* US 2
G Hidden Stag* US 7
G Hot Springs* IA 1
G Hurricane* IA 1
G Insist* TO 12
G Ivy Elemental* OD 1
G Jade Leech* IN 4
G Jolrael, Empress of Beasts PR 7
G Jungle Patrol* MI 3
G Katabatic Winds* VI 4
G Kavu Lair* IN 3
G Kavu Mauler* AP 1
G Krosan Beast OD 1
G Kudzu* REV 1
G Lhurgoyf 5th 1
G Lichenthrope* VI 2
G Liege of the Hollows WE 1
G Lifelace* 4th 3
G Living Artifact* 4th 2
G Living Artifact* REV 1
G Living Lands* 4th 4
G Living Lands* 5th 2
G Living Lands* REV 4
G Lure of Prey* MI 1
G Maro 7th 1
G Maro MI 3
G Megatherium* MM 2
G Midsummer Revel* US 1
G Might of Oaks UL 1
G Mindbender Spores* MI 2
G Mirri, Cat Warrior EX 3
G Mongrel Pack* TP 5
G Multani, Maro-Sorcerer UL 1
G Mungha Wurm* PR 3
G Mythic Proportions ON 1
G Nantuko Blightcutter* TO 6
G Nantuko Cultivator* TO 5
G Nantuko Shrine* OD 3
G Natural Affinity* MM 8
G Nature's Resurgence* 7th 2
G Nature's Resurgence* WE 4
G Nature's Revolt 7th 4
G Nature's Revolt* TP 2
G Nature's Wrath* AL 2
G Nemata, Grove Guardian PS 3
G New Frontiers* OD 3
G Nostalgic Dreams TO 3
G Overlaid Terrain* NE 4
G Pack Hunt* NE 1
G Pale Bears* IA 1
G Pangosaur* MM 6
G Parallel Evolution TO 3
G Phantom Nantuko JU 1
G Pattern of Rebirth UD 1
G Penumbra Wurm AP 3
G Planeswalker's Favor* PS 5
G Possessed Centaur* TO 7
G Primal Order* 5th 2
G Pygmy Allosaurus* IA 4
G Quirion Druid* VI 3
G Rebirth* 4th 7
G Restock* IN 6
G Revelation* CHR 1
G Rhox NE 1
G Ritual of Subdual* IA 2
G Root Maze* TP 11
G Rowen* 7th 1
G Rowen* VI 2
G Saproling Burst NE 3
G Saproling Cluster* NE 10
G Saproling Infestation* IN 3
G Seedborn Muse LE 2
G Seeds of Innocence* MI 1
G Seedtime JU 1
G Seton, Krosan Protector OD 3
G Silvos, Rogue Elemental ON 2
G Skyshroud Behemoth* NE 5
G Skyshroud Poacher NE 1
G Skyshroud War Beast* EX 4
G Snowblind* IA 3
G Spike Breeder* SH 6
G Spike Hatcher* EX 2
G Splintering Wind* AL 5
G Spontaneous Generation MM 3
G Sporogenesis* US 4
G Squirrel Wrangler PY 2
G Stag Beetle* ON 2
G Stampede* IA 1
G Steely Resolve ON 2
G Stone-Tongue Basilisk OD 2
G Stunted Growth* IA 2
G Sylvan Safekeeper JU 2
G Symbiotic Wurm ON 2
G Tempting Wurm ON 1
G Thicket Elemental* IN 7
G Thorn Elemental UD 2
G Thornscape Master* IN 1
G Thriss, Nantuko Primus* JU 4
G Timber Wolves* 4th 2
G Timber Wolves* REV 1
G Titania's Song* 4th 2
G Titania's Song* REV 1
G Tornado* AL 4
G Tranquil Grove WE 1
G Upwelling LE 1
G Verdant Succession* OD 2
G Verdant Touch* SH 9
G Verdeloth the Ancient IN 3
G Verduran Enchantress 5th 1
G Verduran Enchantress 7th 1
G Verduran Enchantress 8th 1
G Vernal Bloom US 3
G Vernal Equinox* MM 10
G Vine Dryad MM 1
G Volrath's Gardens* SH 3
G Waiting in the Weeds* MI 4
G Weatherseed Treefolk UL 2
G Weird Harvest* ON 1
G Web* 4th 1
G Whirlwind US 3
G Wiitigo* IA 2
G Wyluli Wolf* 5th 1
G Xantid Swarm LE 1
G Zoologist* OD 3
L Adarkar Wastes 5th 1
L Battlefield Forge AP 1
L Brushland 6th 1
L Brushland 7th 3
L Caldera Lake* TP 2
L Deserted Temple OD 1
L Dust Bowl MM 1
L Halls of Mist* IA 1
L High Market* MM 3
L Icatian Store* 5th 1
L Keldon Necropolis IN 2
L Kor Haven NE 4
L Land Cap* IA 1
L Lava Tubes* IA 1
L Mishra's Factory (U) 4th 6
L Mossfire Valley OD 2
L Petrified Field OD 7
L Phyrexian Tower US 3
L Pine Barrens* TP 1
L Polluted Delta ON 1
L Rath's Edge NE 7
L Riptide Laboratory ON 2
L Safe Haven* CHR 2
L School of the Unseen* AL 1
L Shadowblood Ridge OD 1
L Sheltered Valley* AL 4
L Shivan Reef AP 2
L Skyshroud Forest* TP 1
L Sulfurous Springs 5th 2
L Sungrass Prairie OD 1
L Tarnished Citadel OD 1
L Thran Quarry US 2
L Timberline Ridge* IA 3
L Tower of the Magistarte MM 10
L Veldt* IA 1
L Volrath's Stronghold SH 1
L Wintermoon Mesa* PR 10
R Amok* SH 8
R Ashen Firebeast* OD 3
R Avatar of Fury PR 2
R Balduvian Horde AL 2
R Balduvian Hydra* IA 4
R Ball Lightning BD 1
R Balthor the Stout* TO 6
R Barreling Attack* MI 2
R Battle Squadron* MM 2
R Beasts of Bogardan* CHR 1
R Bedlam* US 3
R Bend or Break* IN 3
R Blistering Firecat ON 1
R Blood Hound* MM 4
R Blood Moon CHR 1
R Blood Oath* MM 1
R Bloodfire Colossus* AP 3
R Bloodshot Cyclops* 7th 3
R Bloodshot Cyclops* 8th 1
R Bloodshot Cyclops* UD 3
R Brand* US 4
R Brand of III Omen* IA 3
R Brawl* MM 5
R Breaking Point JU 2
R Bulwark* US 4
R Burning Cinder Fury of Crimson Chaos Fire UN 1
R Butcher Orgg* ON 3
R Callous Giant* IN 5
R Canyon Drake* TP 4
R Cave-In* MM 1
R Chance Encounter* OD 3
R Chandler* HL 8
R Chaos Harlequin* AL 2
R Choas Lord* IA 3
R Chaos Moon* IA 3
R Chaotic Goo* TP 2
R Clickslither LE 1
R Collapsing Borders* IN 4
R Crag Saurian* MM 7
R Crater Hellion US 3
R Crimson Hellkite 7th 1
R Crimson Manticore* 4th 3
R Deadapult* PS 1
R Deadshot* TP 1
R Decree of Annihilation SC 1
R Desolation Giant* AP 8
R Devastating Dreams* TO 7
R Dwarven Armory* IA 2
R Dwarven Bloodboiler* JU 5
R Dwarven Sea Clan* HL 1
R Dwarven Shrine* OD 4
R Dwarven Thaumaturgist* WE 3
R Earthquake 4th 1
R Earthquake 6th 1
R Earthquake 7th 1
R Electryte* US 4
R Elkin Lair* VI 1
R Emberwilde Djinn* MI 2
R Epicenter OD 2
R Fault Line* US 1
R Fervor* 7th 3
R Fickle Efreet* PR 2
R Fighting Chance* EX 1
R Flailing Manticore* MM 9
R Fledgling Dragon JU 1
R Flowstone Hellion* SH 1
R Flowstone Mauler* SH 2
R Flowstone Overseer* NE 7
R Flowstone Slide* NE 8
R Flowstone Wyvern* TP 1
R Fork REV 1
R Furnace of Rath 8th 1
R Gamble US 2
R Game of Chaos* 5th 2
R Game of Chaos* IA 1
R Glacial Crevasses* IA 2
R Goblin Festival* UD 3
R Goblin King 5th 1
R Goblin Marshal* UD 4
R Goblin Mutant* IA 1
R Goblin Pyromancer ON 1
R Goblin Warrens* 5th 1
R Hand to Hand* TP 5
R Heart of Bogarden* WE 10
R Heat Stroke* WE 4
R Hell-Bent Raider* TO 5
R Illicit Auction* MI 3
R Impatience* 7th 1
R Impatience* UD 8
R Impending Disaster* UL 4
R Impulsive Maneuvers* OD 4
R Inferno* 4th 1
R Inferno* 5th 2
R Inferno* 6th 1
R Inferno* 7th 2
R Inferno* 8th 1
R Invasion Plans* SH 2
R Jokulhaups 5th 3
R Jokulhaups IA 1
R Kamahl, Pit Fighter OD 1
R Karplusan Yeti* IA 1
R Laccolith Titan NE 4
R Latulla, Keldon Overseer PR 4
R Lava Hounds* 8th 1
R Lava Runner* MM 10
R Lavaborn Muse* LE 2
R Lithophage* MM 6
R Loafing Giant* IN 4
R Mages' Contest IN 3
R Magma Sliver LE 1
R Magmasaur* TP 10
R Magnetic Mountain* REV 1
R Magnetic Mountain* 4th 1
R Magnivore OD 1
R Mana Cache* NE 5
R Mana Clash* 4th 2
R Mana Clash* 5th 1
R Mana Echoes* ON 3
R Manabarbs* 4th 2
R Manabarbs* 5th 1
R Manabarbs* REV 1
R Mine Layer OD 2
R Mogg Infestation* SH 1
R Mogg Sentry* PS 4
R Moggcatcher NE 1
R Molten Hydra* UL 5
R Molten Influence OD 1
R Monstrous Hound* EX 5
R Mudhole* OD 7
R Mudslide* IA 4
R No Quarter* TP 3
R Oath of Mages* EX 4
R Obliterate IN 1
R Obstinate Familiar* OD 6
R Ogre Enforcer* VI 2
R Ogre Shaman* EX 2
R Omen of Fire* AL 4
R Orcish Squatters* 5th 2
R Orcish Squatters* IA 2
R Overmaster* TO 7
R Pallimud* TP 1
R Pardic Miner* OD 1
R Petradon* TO 3
R Possessed Barbarian* TO 6
R Power Surge* 4th 1
R Power Surge* REV 2
R Puppet's Verdict* MM 7
R Radiate* TO 10
R Rakavolver* AP 2
R Ravenous Baboons* EX 2
R Reckless Embermage* 6th 1
R Reckless Embermage* MI 2
R Relentless Assault 7th 3
R Relentless Assault 8th 1
R Risky Move* ON 2
R Rivalry* UL 6
R Roc of Kher Ridh=ges REV 1
R Rockshard Elemental* LE 1
R Rogue Skycaptain* AL 2
R Ruby Leech* IN 5
R Rumbling Crescendo* US 4
R Savage Firecat* OD 3
R Scorched Earth* TP 1
R Search for Survivors* PR 6
R Searing Wind 8th 1
R Searing Wind PR 4
R Seismic Assault 7th 1
R Seismic Mage MM 1
R Seize the Day* OD 6
R Shaman's Trance* JU 1
R Shivan Dragon 4th 1
R Shivan Dragon 5th 1
R Shivan Hellkite US 4
R Shrieking Mogg* NE 8
R Skullscorch TO 4
R Spitting Hydra* SH 1
R Stand or Fall* IN 4
R Starke of Rath* TP 3
R Stronghold Gambit* NE 6
R Subterranean Spirit* MI 1
R Sulfuric Vapors* US 4
R Task Mage Assembly* PR 3
R Tectonic Break* MM 3
R Telim 'Tor* MI 2
R Telim 'Tor's Edict* MI 1
R Tempest Efreet* 4th 1
R Territorial Dispute* MM 7
R Thieves' Auction* MM 9
R Thundermare WE 1
R Tooth and Claw* TP 1
R Torrent of Lava* MI 1
R Total War* IA 3
R Trained Orgg* 7th 3
R Two-Headed Dragon MM 1
R Varchild's War-Riders* AL 1
R Veteran Brawlers* PR 2
R Viashino Sandswimmer* US 6
R Volcanic Dragon 6th 1
R Volley of Boulders* OD 4
R Wake of Destruction* UD 1
R War Elemental MIR 1
R Wheel of Fortune REV 1
R Wild Research* AP 5
R Winds of Change* 4th 1
R Winter Sky* HL 1
R Worldgorger Dragon JU 2
U Aether Barrier* NE 4
U Alexi, Zephyr Mage* PR 3
U Alter Reality* TO 3
U Ambassador Laquatus TO 1
U Amugaba* OD 5
U Ancestral Knowledge* WE 4
U Ancestral Memories* 7th 1
U Ancestral Memories* MI 1
U Anthroplasm* UL 1
U Artificial Evolution* ON 1
U Aura Thief* UD 4
U Avizoa* WE 1
U Baki's Curse* HL 1
U Balance of Power* 8th 2
U Barrin, Master Wizard* US 5
U Battle of Wits* OD 1
U Bazaar of Wonders* MI 3
U Benthic Behemoth* TP 1
U Blind Seer* IN 4
U Blizzard Elemental* BD 1
U Blizzard Elemental* UD 1
U Breaking Wave* IN 4
U Bribery MM 1
U Callous Oppressor* ON 4
U Cephalid Retainer* OD 4
U Cephalid Shrine* OD 10
U Cephalid Vandal* TO 5
U Cetavolver* AP 2
U Charisma MM 2
U Chromeshell Crab* LE 1
U Clone ON 3
U Clone (U) REV 4
U Coastal Piracy* 8th 1
U Control Magic (U) REV 4
U Cowardice* MM 10
U Crystal Spray* IN 7
U Cultural Exchange* OD 3
U Dance of Many* 5th 1
U Daring Apprentice 7th 1
U Daring Apprentice MI 1
U Day of the Dragons SC 1
U Deflection 7th 1
U Deflection 8th 1
U Deflection IA 1
U Delusions of Mediocrity* UL 2
U Denying Wind PR 1
U Dermoplasm LE 2
U Desertion VI 2
U Diminishing Returns* AL 3
U Distorting Wake* IN 2
U Dominating Licid EX 6
U Donate UD 1
U Drain Power* 4th 1
U Drain Power* 5th 2
U Drain Power* REV 4
U Dralnu's Pet* PS 5
U Dreamborn Muse LE 3
U Drifting Djinn* US 1
U Duplicity* TP 2
U Embargo* MM 8
U Energy Field US 1
U Energy Flux* 5th 1
U Energy Vortex* MI 5
U Ephemeron* EX 1
U Equilibrium 7th 1
U Ertai, Wizard Adept EX 3
U Ertai's Familiar* WE 5
U Ertai's Meddling* TP 9
U Escaped Shapeshifter* TP 5
U Evacuation* 7th 1
U Evacuation* SH 2
U Extravagant Spirit* MM 1
U Faces of the Past* SC 1
U False Memories* TO 11
U Flash* MI 1
U Fleeting Image* UL 7
U Forget* 5th 2
U Forget* 6th 1
U Future Sight ON 1
U Gilded Drake US 1
U Hakim, Loreweaver* MI 1
U Heightened Awareness* PR 7
U Hurkyl's Recall* 4th 1
U Hurkyl's Recall* 5th 2
U Hurkyl's Recall* REV 2
U Ice Cave* AP 3
U Icy Prison* IA 1
U Illusionary Presence* IA 1
U Imaginary Pet* US 5
U Island Fish Jasconius* REV 1
U Island Fish Jasconius* 4th 3
U Juxtapose* 5th 1
U Juxtapose* CHR 2
U Karn's Touch* MM 6
U Kukemssa Pirates* MI 2
U Leviathan* 4th 2
U Leviathan* 5th 1
U Library of Lat-Nam* 6th 2
U Library of Lat-Nam* AL 1
U Llawan, Cephalid Empress* TO 7
U Magical Hack* 4th 1
U Magical Hack* 5th 2
U Magical Hack* REV 1
U Magus of the Unseen* 5th 1
U Magus of the Unseen* IA 2
U Mahamoti Djinn 4th 1
U Mahamoti Djinn 7th 1
U Mahamoti Djinn REV 1
U Mana Maze* IN 5
U Mana Severance* TP 1
U Mana Short REV 1
U Mawcor* 7th 2
U Mawcor* TP 1
U Metathran Aerostat* IN 5
U Mind Bend* 8th 1
U Morphling US 1
U Musician* IA 2
U Mystic Might* IA 4
U Oath of Scholars* EX 4
U Opposition 7th 1
U Opposition UD 1
U Overtaker* MM 5
U Pale Moon* NE 6
U Paradigm Shift* WE 1
U Parallax Tide NE 5
U Parallel Thoughts SC 3
U Pedantic Learning* OD 4
U Peer Pressure* ON 4
U Persuasion* OD 1
U Phantasmal Sphere* AL 1
U Pirate Ship* 4th 4
U Pirate Ship* 5th 1
U Pirate Ship* REV 3
U Plagiarize* TO 13
U Planar Overlay* PS 11
U Planeswalker's Mischief* PS 6
U Polar Kraken IA 1
U Political Trickery* MI 2
U Polymorph* MI 3
U Possessed Aven* TO 6
U Precognition* TP 5
U Prismatic Lace* MI 6
U Psionic Entity* 4th 3
U Psychic Battle* IN 3
U Psychic Theft* PR 3
U Psychic Trance* ON 1
U Psychic Transfer* MI 1
U Psychic Vortex* WE 2
U Quicksilver Dragon ON 1
U Reality Twist* IA 2
U Recall* 5th 1
U Recall* CHR 1
U Recantation* US 3
U Relic Bind* 4th 2
U Reins of Power* SH 2
U Riptide Mangler LE 4
U Rishadan Brigand* MM 10
U Rising Waters NE 4
U Rootwater Thief NE 1
U Sage of Lat-Nam* 8th 1
U Sand Squid* MM 7
U Saparazzan Bailiff* MM 10
U Sapphire Leech* IN 5
U Scalpelexis JU 1
U Seahunter* NE 1
U Second Chance* UL 2
U Shifting Sky* 8th 1
U Shimmer* MI 2
U Show and Tell* US 2
U Shrouded Serpent* PR 5
U Sibilant Spirit* 6th 4
U Sleight of Mind* 4th 3
U Sleight of Mind* 5th 1
U Sleight of Mind* REV 3
U Sliptide Serpent* NE 4
U Squeeze* MM 8
U Standardize ON 5
U Statecraft* MM 6
U Steal Artifact (U) REV 1
U Stormscape Master* IN 1
U Sunken Hope* PS 4
U Supreme Inquisitor ON 1
U Synapse Sliver LE 2
U Taniwha* MI 4
U Teferi's Imp* MI 4
U Teferi's Realm* VI 1
U Teferi's Response IN 8
U Telekinetic Bonds* JU 5
U Temporal Adept 7th 1
U Temporal Adept UD 4
U Temporal Distortion* IN 6
U Thalakos Drifters* EX 3
U Thought Devourer OD 6
U Thought Lash* AL 4
U Thoughtlace* REV 1
U Three Wishes* VI 1
U Tidal Control* AL 2
U Tidal Kraken MM 2
U Time Elemental* 5th 1
U Time Spiral US 1
U Time Stretch OD 1
U Trade Routes 8th 1
U Trade Routes MM 3
U Traumatize OD 1
U Treachery UD 3
U Troublesome Spirit* PR 2
U Turbulent Dreams* TO 7
U Unifying Theory* OD 3
U Unnatural Selection AP 5
U Unstable Shapeshifter* TP 3
U Upheaval OD 1
U Veiled Crocodile* US 4
U Vizzerdrix ? 2
U Voidmage Prodigy ON 3
U Volcanic Eruption* 4th 3
U Volcanic Eruption* REV 3
U Waterspout Elemental* PS 3
U Weaver of Lies* LE 3
U Well-Laid Plans* IN 4
U Wheel and Deal* ON 3
U Whim of Volrath* TP 2
U Whirlpool Warrior* AP 6
U Winter's Chill* IA 1
U Words of Wind ON 1
U Wormfang Behemoth* JU 3
U Wormfang Manta* JU 5
U Zephid* US 1
Z Altar of Bone* IA 2
Z Ancient Spider* PS 5
Z Anurid Brushhopper JU 1
Z Arcades Sabboth CHR 1
Z Armored Guardian* IN 4
Z Atogatog* OD 4
Z Axelrod Gunnarson* CHR 1
Z Ayesha Tanaka* CHR 3
Z Barrin's Spite* IN 3
Z Benthic Djinn* MI 4
Z Blazing Specter IN 1
Z Breathstealer's Crypt* VI 2
Z Cadaverous Bloom MI 1
Z Chromatic Armor* IA 4
Z Chromium CHR 1
Z Circle of Despair* MI 1
Z Cloud Cover* PS 1
Z Coalition Victory IN 1
Z Corrosion* VI 5
Z Cromat AP 6
Z Crosis, the Purger IN 2
Z Dakkon Blackblade CHR 1
Z Darigaaz, the Igniter IN 1
Z Death Grasp AP 3
Z Destructive Flow* PS 5
Z Discordant Spirit* MI 2
Z Dracoplasm* TP 2
Z Dralnu's Crusade PS 5
Z Eartlink* IA 3
Z Elemental Augury* IA 2
Z Emberwilde Caliph* MI 4
Z Energy Bolt* MI 1
Z Ertai, the Corrupted* PS 6
Z Femeref Enchantress* VI 1
Z Fervent Charge* AP 8
Z Fiery Justice* IA 4
Z Flooded Woodlands* IA 4
Z Fungal Shambler* AP 2
Z Gabriel Angelfire* CHR 1
Z Ghostly Flame* IA 3
Z Glaciers* IA 3
Z Goblin trenches* AP 1
Z Grim Feast* MI 2
Z Hunting Grounds JU 2
Z Iridecent Angel OD 1
Z Kangee, Aerie Keeper* IN 4
Z Karona, False God CSC 2
Z Kei Takahashi CHR 1
Z Keldon Twilight* PS 4
Z Last Stand* AP 5
Z Leering Gargoyle* MI 1
Z Lightning Angel AP 5
Z Malignant Growth* MI 4
Z Meddling Mage PS 1
Z Merieke Ri Berit* IA 1
Z Meteor Storm* IN 4
Z Misfortune* AL 1
Z Monsoon* IA 2
Z Mountain Titan* IA 1
Z Mystic Enforcer OD 1
Z Mystic Snake AP 7
Z Natural Emergence* PS 3
Z Nebuchadnezar* CHR 1
Z Nicol Bolas CHR 2
Z Noble Panther IN 3
Z Overabundance* IN 4
Z Overgrown Estate* AP 6
Z Palladia-Mors CHR 1
Z Phyrexian Purge* MI 2
Z Phyrexian Tyranny* PS 3
Z Powerstone Minefield* AP 4
Z Purgatory* MI 1
Z Pygmy Hippo* VI 4
Z Questing Phelddagrif* PS 1
Z Radiant Kavu* PS 4
Z Reckless Assault* IN 7
Z Reclamation* IA 4
Z Reflect Damage* MI 1
Z Reparations* MI 1
Z Rith, the Awakener IN 3
Z Rubinia Soulsinger* CHR 3
Z Sabertooth Nishoba IN 3
Z Selenia, Dark Angel TP 2
Z Shadowmage Infiltrator OD 1
Z Shivan Wurm PS 3
Z Skeleton Ship* IA 1
Z Sliver Overlord SC 4
Z Sliver Queen SH 1
Z Sol'kanar the Swamp King CHR 1
Z Soltari Guerillas* TP 2
Z Spinal Embrace* IN 2
Z Squandered Resources VI 1
Z Stalking Assassin* IN 4
Z Stangg* CHR 3
Z Storm Spirit* IA 2
Z Suffocating Blast AP 9
Z Suleiman's Legacy* VI 4
Z Tsabo Tavoc IN 2
Z Undermine IN 1
Z Unfulfilled Desires* MI 5
Z Urza's Guilt PS 1
Z Vaevictis Asmadi CHR 1
Z Vile Consumption* IN 5
Z Wandering Mage* AL 3
Z Warping Wurm* MI 3
Z Wellspring* MI 4
Z Winter's Night* AL 3
Z Wood Sage* TP 5
Z Xira Arien* CHR 3
Z Yavimaya's Embrace* AP 1
W Academy Rector UD 2
W Aegis of Honor OD 4
W Ageless Sentinels* SC 1
W Akroma, Angel of Wrath LE 3
W Akron Legionnaire* CHR 2
W Alabaster Leech* IN 5
W Ancestral Tribute* OD 1
W Angel of Retribution TO 6
W Animate Wall* 4th 3
W Animate Wall* 5th 4
W Animate Wall* REV 2
W Armageddon ?? 1
W Armageddon 4th 1
W Armageddon REV 1
W Armistsice* MM 7
W Atalya, Samite Master IN 2
W Auriok Steelshaper MIR 1
W Aurification ON 2
W Auspicious Ancestor* MI 2
W Avatar of Hope PR 2
W Aven Brigadier ON 3
W Aven Shrine* OD 3
W Avenger en-Dal* NE 7
W Avenging Angel TP 1
W Balancing Act* OD 8
W Beacon of Destiny* LE 1
W Blessed Reversal* 7th 3
W Blessed Reversal* 8th 1
W Blessed Reversal* UL 4
W Blessed Wind PR 4
W Blinding Angel NE 1
W Blinking Spirit IA 1
W Call to Arms* IA 4
W Cantivore* OD 4
W Caribou Range* 4th 1
W Caribou Range* IA 3
W Catastrophe US 1
W Cho-Arrim Alchemist* MM 6
W Cho-Arrim Bruiser* MM 3
W Cho-Manno, Revolutionary MM 2
W Circle of Solace* ON 3
W Common Cause* MM 5
W Convalescence* EX 3
W Cornered Market* MM 7
W Crackdown* MM 2
W Crusade REV 1
W Death or Glory* IN 1
W Decree of Justice SC 1
W Degavolver* AP 5
W Delaying Shield* OD 4
W Dimensional Breach* SC 1
W Divine Presence* IN 2
W Divine Retribution* MI 3
W Divine Sacrament OD 1
W Dogged Hunter* OD 1
W Dominaria's Judgment* PS 2
W Earnest Fellowship* OD 6
W Elder Land Wurm* 4th 2
W Enduring Renewal IA 1
W Energy Storm* IA 4
W Equipoise* VI 4
W Ethereal Champion* 6th 1
W Ethereal Champion* MI 1
W Exalted Dragon EX 1
W Exile AL 2
W Eye for an Eye* 4th 1
W Eye for an Eye* 5th 1
W Eye of Singularity* VI 5
W False Dawn* AP 8
W False Prophet* UD 2
w Farmstead* REV 2
W Field of Souls* TP 2
W Fight or Flight* IN 2
W Flicker* UD 9
W Formation* IA 4
W Fountain Watch MM 2
W Generald Jarkeld* IA 3
W Gerrard Capashen AP 1
W Glarecaster* ON 5
W Global Ruin* IN 3
W Glorious Anthem US 1
W Glowrider* LE 1
W Graceful Antelope* OD 3
W Gustcloak Savior* ON 2
W Hanna's Custody* TP 3
W Harsh Judgment* IN 6
W Harsh Mercy* ON 2
W Hazdur the Abbot* HL 1
W Herald of Serra US 1
W Hidden Retreat* SH 10
W Honor the Fallen* MM 7
W Ication Town* 5th 2
W Inner Sanctum* WE 5
W Island Sanctuary* 5th 4
W Island Sanctuary* REV 1
W Ivory Mask MM 1
W Jabari's Influence* MI 1
W Jareth, Leonine Titan ON 1
W Jeweled Spirit* PR 4
W Jhovall Queen MM 1
W Karmic Guide* UL 2
W Karmic Justice* OD 2
W Kirtar's Wrath OD 2
W Kjeldoran Knight* IA 3
W Kjeldoran Phalanx* IA 1
W Kjeldoran Royal Guard* IA 1
W Lightning Blow* IA 2
W Limited Resources* EX 3
W Lost Order of Jarkeld* IA 2
W Mageta the Lion PR 1
W Major Teroh TO 5
W Marble Titan* TP 3
W March of Souls* PS 1
W Master Healer* 8th 1
W Master Healer* UD 2
W Mercenaries* IA 3
W Mercenary Informer* PR 6
W Mystic Crusader OD 4
W Nomad Mythmaker JU 3
W Null Chamber* MI 1
W Oath of Lieges* EX 2
W Opal Avenger* UL 10
W Opal Titan* US 2
W Oracle en-Vec* TP 4
W Oracle's Attendants* NE 4
W Order of the Sacred Torch* IA 1
W Orim, Samite Healer* TP 3
W Paladin en-Vec EX 4
W Parallax Wave NE 5
W Pariah US 1
W Peacekeeper WE 3
W Pearl Dragon MI 3
W Pegasus Refuge* TP 6
W Personal Incarnation* 5th 2
W Personal Incarnation* REV 3
W Petra Sphinx* CHR 1
W Pianna, Nomad Captain OD 1
W Planar Collapse* UL 2
W Planar Guide* LE 1
W Planeswalker's Mirth* PS 2
W Possessed Nomad* TO 6
W Prophecy* HL 1
W Pulsemage Avocate* JU 1
W Pure Reflection* IN 5
W Purelace* 4th 2
W Purify* UL 4
W Pursuit of Knowledge SH 2
W Ramosian Sky Marshal MM 5
W Rappelling Scouts* MM 1
W Rashida Scalebane* MI 4
W Reborn Hero* TO 1
W Remembrance* US 1
W Retribution of the Meek* VI 1
W Reverse Damage* 4th96 1
W Reverse Damage* 5th 1
W Reverse Damage* 7th 3
W Righteousness* 4th 1
W Righteousness* 5th 3
W Rolling Stones* 8th 1
W Rolling Stones* SH 9
W Royal Decree* AL 2
W Rune of Protection: Lands* US 4
W Sacred Ground* 7th 1
W Sacred Ground SH 2
W Sacred Guide* TP 8
W Safeguard* TP 5
W Samite Elder* PS 5
W Samite Sanctuary* PR 5
W Security Detail* MM 6
W Seraph IA 2
W Seraph IA 1
W Serenity* WE 1
W Serra Angel (U) 4th 1
W Serra Avatar US 1
W Serra's Liturgy* US 3
W Sheltering Prayers* PR 11
W Sidar Jabari* MI 2
W Sigil of the New Dawn ON 1
W Sivvi's Valor* NE 4
W Soltari Emissary* TP 2
W Soraya the Falconer* HL 2
W Soul Echo* MI 3
W Spectral Guardian* MI 3
W Spirit Mirror* TP 1
W Spirit of Resistance* IN 3
W Spiritual Focus* MM 4
W Sunweb* 7th 2
W Sustaining Spirit* AL 3
W Sworn Defender* AL 1
W Tariff* 6th 1
W Tariff* WE 3
W Test of Endurance JU 12
W Tethered Griffin* UD 6
W Tithe VI 2
W Transcendence* TO 10
W Vexing Arcanix* 8th 1
W Wall of Nets* EX 2
W Warrior Angel SH 3
W Wave of Reckoning* MM 2
W Windborn Muse LE 1
W Winnow* IN 3
W Words of Worship ON 3
W Yare* MI 4


Geplaatst: vr jun 14, 2002 7:42 am
door lord of the squirrel
ik wil je elvish piper

Geplaatst: vr jun 14, 2002 7:53 am
door maureen.janssen
Sander, ik heb je een mailtje gestuurd.
Groet, Maureen

Geplaatst: vr jun 14, 2002 11:36 pm
door Demonics
ik wil wel je deserted temple, grim lavamancer, skullscorch

mail maar als je wat bij me ziet en doe een voorstel

ik zie wel, mzls

Geplaatst: za jun 15, 2002 9:54 am
door maureen.janssen
Ik heb je een mailtje gestuurd!
Groet, Maureen

Geplaatst: vr sep 05, 2003 8:17 am
door maureen.janssen

Geplaatst: za sep 06, 2003 12:13 pm
door Dragonheart
hahaha..... UP .... hahaha..... lijkt wel nedermagic....

Geplaatst: za sep 06, 2003 12:44 pm
door maureen.janssen
Vond ik ook al....up

Geplaatst: za sep 06, 2003 12:53 pm
door pi

lijkt wel elk willekeurig magic forum die geen regels stelt aan hoe vaak je mag UP-en. Wij doen dat alleen wel.

Uit de regels van de Trading Corner:
"Tevens is het niet toegstaan hier upjes uit te voeren (om de topic weer op de eerste pagina bovenaan te brengen). Het is wel toegestaan om te updaten! Het mag wel maar dan mag je maar een keer per week een update doen en dan moet je in het berichtje minstens 10 veranderingen neerzetten "
Nou checken wij echt niet of je precies 10 updates doet, en ik zelf vermeld ze ook niet altijd als ik een nieuwe update heb gedaan, maar zorg ajb dat je wel echt serieus wat gewijzigd hebt en een reden hebt om een berichtje te posten.



Geplaatst: do sep 11, 2003 5:34 pm
door maureen.janssen
Ik heb er heel wat bij en hoef niet meer zoveel gelukig. Wie maakt me blij met de laatste paar kaarten uit 8th:
Murderous Betrayal
Eager Cadet
Enormous Baloth
Giant Octopus
Sea Eagle
Silverback Ape
Kijk voor mijn haves op:

Geplaatst: do sep 11, 2003 6:59 pm
door collectocrat
Ik heb geen eight voor je maar ik heb je wel een mail gestuurd via je site over andere kaarten. Mischien dat je daarop een antwoord kan geven...............

Geplaatst: ma okt 20, 2003 7:16 pm
door maureen.janssen
Mirrodin gezocht!

Geplaatst: di okt 21, 2003 12:19 am
door pi

ik heb:


Check deze link voor mijn verdere haves, en wants:

Meel me als je denkt dat we een deal kunnen maken,



Geplaatst: di okt 21, 2003 2:37 pm
door Sliver
Ik wil wel hebben :

1 Sliver queen,
1 crystalline sliver.

pm of meel me maar.

Geplaatst: di okt 21, 2003 8:21 pm
door collectocrat
ÃŒk heb je gemaild