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Have/Want List

Geplaatst: wo okt 16, 2002 9:00 pm
door ARJ
Want List:
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Onslaught ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Aggravated Assault
Akroma's Blessing U
Arcanis, the Omnipotent
Blistering Firecat
Callous Oppressor (pending)
Circle of Solace
Clone X2
Covalescent Care
Dragon Roost
Enchantress's Presence
Exalted Angel
Future Sight
Gratuitous Violence
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
Oblation X4
Oversold Cemetery
Rorix Bladewing
Run Wild X2 U
Quicksilver Dragon
Shared Triumph
Sigil of the New Dawn
Silvos, Rogue Elemental
Spy Network C
Steely Resolve
Threaten U
True Believer (pending)
Visara, the Dreadful
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Judgement ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Mirari's Wake (pending)
Silver Seraph (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Torment ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Chainer, Dementia Master (pending)
Chainer's Edict X2 U
Nantuko Shade

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Odyssey ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Aegis of Honor (pending)
Devoted Caretaker (pending)
Entomb (pending)
Kamahl, Pit Fighter (pending)
Karmic Justice (pending)
Mirari X4 (pending)
Mossfire Valley X2 (pending)
Seize the Day (pending)
Skycloud Expanse X2
Sungrass Prairie X2 (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Apocalypse ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Pernicious Deed
Spiritmonger (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Planeshift ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Shivan Wurm (pending)
Terminate X2 C

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Invasion ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Molimo, Maro=Sorceror
Planar Portal (pending)
Restock (pending)
Reya Dawnbringer
Tsabo's Decree (pending)
Winnow (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Prophecy ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Avatar of Hope (pending)
Avatar of Fury
Avatar of Might
Avatar of Will
Plague Wind (pending)
Vitalizing Wind (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[ Mercadian Masques ]]]]]]]]]
Bifurcate (pending)
Bribery X2
Coastal Piracy U (pending)
Haunted Crossroads U (pending)
Ivory Mask
Magistrate's Scepter X2
Mercadian Atlas (pending)
Natural Affinity (pending)
Nether Spirit
Renounce U (pending)
Revive U (pending)
Trade Routes (pending)
Two-Headed Dragon (pending)
Uphill Battle U (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Urza's Destiny ]]]]]]]]]]]]
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
Treachery X2
Wake of Destruction (pending)
Yavimaya Hollow

[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Urza's Legacy ]]]]]]]]]]]]
Defense of the Heart
Multani, Maro-Sorceror
No Mercy (pending)
Radiant, Archangel

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Urza's Saga ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Abundance (pending)
Angelic Chorus
Endless Wurm (pending)
Gaea's Cradle
Serra Avatar
Serra's Sanctum
Whirlwind X2
Yawgmoth's Will X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Stronghold ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Silver Wyvern
Volrath's Stronghold

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Tempest ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Furnace of Rath (pending)
Helm of Possession (pending)
Mirri's Guile
Rathi Dragon
Scroll Rack X2
Time Warp
Vhati il-Dal (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Weatherlight ]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Bone Dancer (pending)
Gaea's Blessing X2 U (pending)
Scorched Ruins X4 (pending)
Urborg Justice (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Visions ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Firestorm Hellkite

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Mirage ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Dissipate X2
Lure of Prey (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Alliances ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Lake of the Dead
Soldevi Excavations

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Homelands ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Baron Sengir
Retribution U (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ The Dark ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Maze of Ith
Whippoorwill U (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Legends ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Backdraft X2 U
Mana Drain X2 (pending)
Mirror Universe X2
Reincarnation U
Ring of Immortals X2 (two pending)
Sword of the Ages
Willow Satyr

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Antiquities ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Mishra's Workshop

[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Arabian Nights ]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ali from Cairo
Diamond Valley X4
Island of Wak-Wak X4
King Suleiman
Libary of Alexandria
Old Man of the Sea

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 7th Edition ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Elvish Piper
Glorious Anthem
Healing Salve X2 C
Might of Oaks (pending)
Nightmare (pending)
Pillage X2 U
Reprisal U
Shivan Dragon
Vernal Bloom
Wing Snare U
Worship (pending)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 6th Edition ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ashen Powder X2
Desertion X2
Exile X2
Grinning Totem
Hammer of Bogarden
Kismet U
Pentagram of the Ages X2
Relearn X2 U
Volcanic Geyser X2 U

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 5th Edition ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ball Lightning
Magus of the Unseen
Nevinyrral's Disk X4
Sorceress Queen

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 4th Edition ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Control Magic U (two pending)
Savannah Lions X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Revised ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Badlands X4
Bayou X4
Demonic Tutor
Plateau X4
Savannah X3
Sol Ring X2 (pending)
Taiga X3
Tropical Island X3
Tundra X2
Underground Sea
Vesuvan Doppelganger X2
Volcanic Island X4

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Unlimited ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ancestral Recall
Black Lotus X4
Forcefield X4
Mox Emerald
Mox Jet
Mox Pearl
Mox Ruby
Mox Sapphire
Time Walk
Word of Command

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Promotional ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


Have List:
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Onslaught ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Artificial Evolution
Bloodstained Mire
Cryptic Gateway
Gravespawn Sovereign
Gustcloak Savior
Mystic Proportions
Patriach's Bidding X2
Silent Specter
Tempting Wurm
Voidmage Prodigy
Wheel and Deal
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Judgement ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Burning Wish
Death Wish
Golden Wish X3
Mist of Stagnation
Phantom Nantuko X2
Pulsemage Advocate X2
Sutured Ghoul
Telekinetic Bonds X2
Wormfang Behemoth X2
Wormfang Manta

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Torment ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Cephalid Vandal
False Memories X3
Last Laugh
Nantuko Cultivator
Shambling Swarm
Transcendence X3

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Odyssey ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor X2
Battle of Wits
Cursed Monstrosity
Cephalid Retainer
Chance Encounter
Charmed Pendant
Cursed Monstrosity
Decaying Soul
Dogged Hunter X2
Earnest Fellowship X2
Extract X2
Hint of Insanity
Nantuko Shrine
Obstinate Familiar
Otarian Juggernaut
Pardic Miner X2
Petrified Field
Pianna, Nomad Captain
Savage Firecat
Seton, Krosan Protector
Shifty Doppelganger X2
Tarnished Citadel
Thought Devourer X2
Unifying Theory
Verdant Succession
Volley of Boulders X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Apocalypse ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Cetavolver X2
Fungal Shambler
Guided Passage
Ice Cave X3
Planar Despair
Powerstone Minefield
Symbiotic Deployment
Whirlpool Warrior X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Planeshift ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ancient Spider
Ertai, the Corrupted
Goblin Game X2
Keldon Twilight X2
Phyrexian Scuta X3 (goldborded)
Phyrexian Tyranny
Planar Overlay X2
Planeswalker's Mischief
Planeswalker's Scorn X2
Possessed Nomad
Radiant Kavu X2
Waterspout Elemental X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Invasion ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
AEther Rift
Blazing Specter X2 (goldborded)
Breaking Wave X2
Callous Giant
Collapsing Borders
Crypt Angel X2 (goldborded)
Distorting Wake
Loafing Giant
Lotus Guardian
Mana Maze
Marauding Knight
Phyrexian Altar
Phyrexian Delver X2
Phyrexian Infiltrator
Phyrexian Lens
Psychic Battle X2
Pure Reflection
Teferi's Response X3
Temporal Distortion
Tsabo Tavoc
Tsabo's Web

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Prophecy ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Elephant Resurgence
Fickle Efreet

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Nemesis ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Kill Switch
Mana Cache X4
Parallax Inhibitor X2
Parallax Nexus
Parallax Tide
Parallax Wave
Saproling Cluster
Sivvi's Valor
Skyshroud Behemoth X2
Sliptide Serpent
Tangle Wire X2

[[[[[[[[[[ Mercadian Masques ]]]]]]]]]
Assembly Hall
Black Market
Destorting Lens
Food Chain X2
Foster X3
Game Preserve
Heart of Ramos
Karn's Touch
Kyren Toy
Rishadan Brigand
Rishadan Port X4 (goldborded)
Skull of Ramos
Territorial Dispute
Thieves' Auction
Vernal Equinox

[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Urza's Destiny ]]]]]]]]]]]]
Carnaval of Souls X2
Storage Matrix X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Urza's Legacy ]]]]]]]]]]]]

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Urza's Saga ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Hidden Herd X2
Rune of Protection: Lands

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Exodus ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Equilibrium X2
Fighting Chance
Ravenous Baboons
Thopter Squadron
Volrath's Dungeon

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Stronghold ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Burgeoning X3
Crovax the Cursed
Mindwarper X2 (X1 damaged)
Reins of Power
Skeleton Scavengers
Spitting Hydra

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Tempest ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Chaotic Goo
Fugitive Druid
Magnetic Web
Mana Severance X3
Soltari Guerillas
Tooth and Claw X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Weatherlight ]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Abeyance X3 (goldborded)
Nature's Resurgence X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Visions ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Aku Djinn
Rainbow Efreet X3

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Mirage ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Bone Mask
Frentic Efreet X4 (goldborded)
Natural Balance
Phyrexian Purge
Political Trickery X3 (X2 goldborded)
Psychic Transfer
Razor Pendulum
Reflect Damage
Teferi's Isle

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Alliances ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ivory Gargoyle
Sheltered Valley
Splintering Wind

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Homelands ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Apocalypse Chime
Forget X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Chronicles ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Rubinia Soulsinger

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Ice Age ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Chromatic Armor
Curse of Marit Lage
Ice Cauldron X2
Illusionary Terrain
Infernal Denizen
Kjeldoran Knight
Orcish Librarian
Soldevi Golem
Stampede X2

[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Fallen Empires ]]]]]]]]]]]]
Deep Spawn

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 7th Edition ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ancestral Memories X3
Bloodshot Cyclops
Daring Apprentice X2
Early Harvest
Infernal Contract
Mana Clash
Nature's Revolt
Reckless Embermage
Storm Cauldron
Sulfurous Springs X3 (goldborded)

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 6th Edition ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Early Harvest

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 5th Edition ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Clockwork Beast
Dingus Egg
Game of Chaos
Mana Clash
Time Elemental
Winter Orb
Xenic Poltergeist

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 4th Edition ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Chaoslace X2
Clockwork Beast X2
Coral Helm
Dingus Egg
Hurkyl's Recall
Island Sanctuary
Mana Clash
Mishra's War Machine
Power Surge X3
Spirit Link X2
Sylvan Library
Visions X2
Warp Artifact
Xenic Poltergeist

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Revised ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Birds of Paradise
Dingus Egg

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Foils ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
//////////////// Onslaught \\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(063) (uncommon) Annex
(138) (_common_) Dirge of Dread
(082) (uncommon) Essence Fracture
(209) (_common_) Goblin Sledder
(337) (_common_) Island X2
(106) (_common_) Riptide Biologist
(052) (_common_) Sandskin
(235) (_common_) Sparksmith
(341) (_common_) Swamp
(120) (__/rare\__) Voidmage Prodigy
/////////////// Judgement \\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(106) (_common_) Battlefield Scrounger
(131) (uncommon) Serene Sunset
(101) (uncommon) Swelter
//////////////// Torment \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(122) (uncommon) Centaur Chieftain
(093) (_common_) Crackling Club
//////////////// Odyssey \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(348) (_common_) Forest X2
(199) (_common_) Kamahl's Desire
(246) (_common_) Krosan Archer
(146) (_common_) Last Rites
(202) (_common_) Mad Dog
(302) (uncommon) Millikin
(344) (_common_) Mountain X2
(345) (_common_) Mountain
(154) (_common_) Overeager Apprentice
(332) (_common_) Plains
(334) (_common_) Plains
(264) (_common_) Refresh
(047) (uncommon) Soulcatcher
(222) (uncommon) Spark Mage
(340) (_common_) Swamp
(174) (uncommon) Zombify
/////////////// Apocalypse \\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(071) (_common_) Tundra Kavu
//////////////// Planeshift \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(077) (uncommon) Alpha Kavu
(021) (_common_) Arctic Merfolk
//////////////// Invasion \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(095) (_common_) Bog Initiate X2
(010) (_common_) Capashen Unicorn
(331) (_common_) Plains
(158) (_common_) Pouncing Kavu
(339) (_common_) Swamp
(080) (_common_) Tidal Visionary
(089) (_common_) Worldly Counsel
///////////////// Nemesis \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(016) (__/rare\__) Oracle's Attendants
(072) (_common_) Spiteful Bully
(046) (uncommon) Stronghold Machinist
(050) (_common_) Wandering Eye
//////////////// Prophecy \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(086) (uncommon) Citadel of Pain
(016) (_common_) Mine Bearer
////////// Mercadian Masques \\\\\\\\\\
(088) (_common_) Misstep
(339) (_common_) Swamp
/////////////// 7th Edition \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
(295) (__/rare\__) Feroz's Ban
(075) (_common_) Flight
(328) (_common_) Forest
(331) (_common_) Forest
(189) (uncommon) Goblin Glider
(191) (uncommon) Goblin Matron
(333) (_common_) Island X2
(335) (_common_) Island
(254) (_common_) Lone Wolf
(341) (_common_) Plains
(032) (_common_) Razorfoot Griffin
(268) (_common_) Seeker of Skybreak
(218) (__/rare\__) Shivan Dragon
(349) (_common_) Swamp

Geplaatst: wo okt 16, 2002 9:13 pm
door pi

voordat een of andere mod er over gaat vallen, het is op zich de bedoeling dat mensen maar 1 post tegelijk hebben in de trading corner, om deze een beetje klein in omvang te houden (ja, ik heb er 2, maar kijk eens goed naar de tweede).

Misschien dat je je oude post wilt updaten in plaats van het doen van een nieuwe.



Geplaatst: do sep 11, 2003 12:18 pm
door shivandragon
ik heb voor je:
Blistering Firecat €13 p.s
Callous Oppressor €2 p.s
Plague Wind €4.5 p.s
Nether Spirit €5p.s
Treachery X2 €5.2 p.s
Deflection €3.2p.s
Exile X2(zijn signed) €4 p.s


ik wil:
Birds of Paradise €18 p.s
Winter Orb €4.5 p.s
Tangle Wire X2 €7 p.s
Bloodstained Mire 9.5 p.s


ik heb voor het gemak de nedermagicprijzen erbij gezet.

LMK grtz jack

Geplaatst: do sep 11, 2003 1:38 pm
door David
De prijzen??? Je bedoelt volgens mij de Nedermagic prijzen.


Geplaatst: do sep 11, 2003 2:12 pm
door shivandragon
ja maar die zijn om te vergelijken toch goed of niet?

Geplaatst: do sep 11, 2003 3:20 pm
door pi

om te vergelijken zijn de prijzen van nedermagic zwaar brak!

Maareh, anyway, ik zou niet verwachten dat er gereageerd wordt op je post door ARJ aangezien die sinds bijna een jaar geen update heeft gedaan...

